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Dr. Michael Cutler

How to treat those deep smile lines

We’ve learned a lot over the last few decades about foods, nutrients, exercise, and how these basics play an important role in helping us live a long and disease-free life. So it makes sense that more people want to project the youthful vitality they feel inside…

Jedha Dening

The fatty nutrient that takes years off your face

It’s no secret that the skin on your face and neck are the first places to show signs of aging. And a single wide-spread problem, inflammation, is a big contributor to those signs of premature aging. That why scientists coined the term — inflammaging. But the right nutrient may be all you need…

Dr. Michael Cutler

Getting comfortable in your skin: A guide to botox

Although it’s a natural part of aging, wrinkles and sagging skin can have a negative impact on the way you feel about yourself. And if you’re just not comfortable in your own skin, there’s no reason to be miserable. The signs of aging can be reversed…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The free wrinkle miracle that really works

Are you noticing more wrinkles every day? We all want to look younger, but I hope you’re not as desperate as a group of people who want to defy aging so badly that they’re forking over thousands for an infusion of teenage blood. I’ve got a cheaper, proven solution, that won’t make you feel like a vampire…

Jedha Dening

4 key nutrients for glowing healthy skin

Quite amazingly, your body is working 24/7 to continually fuel, hydrate and replenish your skin’s cells. That’s because your skin is considered an organ. In fact, it’s the largest organ your body has!

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The beauty secrets in the produce aisle

It may not be the fountain of youth, but there are fruits and vegetables packed with so many anti-oxidants they can help you get the smoother, radiant skin you’re looking for. For the best complexion with the least wrinkles, the rule is to…


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Rejuvenate winter skin with antioxidant-rich oils

Winter is harsh on your skin. It can leave your face and hands dry, chapped and red. But before you grab that chemical-laden lotion, consider using something much more natural.

Jedha Dening

4 ways to fight the 9 hallmarks of aging

A few years ago, a landmark breakthrough discovered there were nine key hallmarks of aging. Among them were telomere length, stem cell exhaustion and mitochondrial dysfunction. While these all sound very scientific, they have one overriding commonality that’s within your power…

Jenny Smiechowski

What does adult acne and chronic disease have in common?

Most chronic skin issues aren’t just skin deep. They’re a sign of deeper imbalances in your body and lifestyle that could lead to bigger problems.

Cara McCarthy

Tips for touchable, non-toxic hair and skin in winter

Winter is rough on your skin, but that’s not all. Your skin, and that includes your scalp, is a large and porous organ. Anything absorbed through it goes directly into your blood stream. This includes personal care products which, taken together, contain thousands of toxic chemicals.

Margaret Cantwell

The ‘younger skin’ exercise that works

Years ago, I realized that if I looked into a mirror right after I went for a run, I would see a younger me. I attributed this impression to the fact that I was in a better mood after running. But now I know it’s not just runner’s high.

Dr. Michael Cutler

How to know if you sweat too much and what to do about it

Do you think you sweat too much? Most of us do, but some of us feel we sweat more than anyone else on the planet. Truth be told, most of us perspire on the heavy side and it’s perfectly normal. However, hyperhidrosis is a not-too-common condition in which people sweat excessively.