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Joyce Hollman

More lean muscle may lower Alzheimer’s risk

As we age, our lean muscle mass declines, but that doesn’t mean we’re helpless to stop it. There are many reasons to preserve it. If you need one more, consider what research has found about its connection to Alzheimer’s…

Joyce Hollman

2 factors that protect women from stiff arteries at any age

Stiff arteries, a harbinger of heart disease, can happen for a few reasons. But mostly, it’s another age thing we just have to deal with. But research has found that for women at least, 2 modifiable factors can protect against it — at any age…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Beat menopause with a 10,000-year-old Chinese secret

Menopause can be a nightmare of hot flashes, depression and fatigue. Luckily, there is an answer in a 10,000-year-old traditional Chinese practice that has helped many women overcome these challenges and reduce the severity of menopausal symptoms…

Joyce Hollman

Exercise relieves depression better than medication

Besides a long list of side effects, antidepressants don’t always work, have been linked to dementia and cause weight gain. But according to a comprehensive review, there’s a free solution that works better than medication and the only ‘side effects’ are health and happiness…

Joyce Hollman

The one habit crucial for stroke recovery

No one wants to think they’ll have a stroke. The fact is, in the U.S., one occurs every 40 seconds, and someone dies of a stroke about every three minutes. But multiple studies show one habit can help you not only survive stroke but increase your odds of a full, unimpaired recovery.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Huge study shows fitness is Alzheimer’s kryptonite

If you still cringe at headlines about fitness and health, you may think the benefits only apply to elite athletes. You’d be wrong. A 9-year study on almost 650,000 average Joe’s has proven you can pick the level you can commit to and make a dent in your dementia risk…


Joyce Hollman

The best workout for better blood sugar control

Diabetics know the right exercise is important for controlling blood sugar. But a newly discovered factor to add to any routine has the highest chance of helping some with type 2 diabetes completely stop their glucose-lowering medications…

Carolyn Gretton

Identical twins reveal exercise changes gene expression

We all know the drill: get more exercise, have better health. But one thing many of us don’t know is how deep the impact of exercise goes. There’s evidence it may not only influence cellular behavior but whether or not genes define your health destiny..

Jordan Fuller

Got osteoarthritis? Why you should be golfing

Being diagnosed with osteoarthritis can feel like a prison sentence. You might think your sporting days are over, but golfing has been proven to be one of the best activities for those with this condition. Here are the benefits and reasons why you should be golfing…

Joyce Hollman

For lowest risk of stroke or heart problems, this is when to exercise

The research shows exercise is crucial, from fighting cancer to turning back biological age. If you’re not doing it, you have no one to blame but yourself. Luckily, that research is honing in on findings that can help you make the most of it when you do…

Debra Atkinson

16 ways to ‘get in the mood’

One in 10 women experiences a loss of their sexual desire. That’s 16 million women who’ve lost an important part of a healthy life. Maybe you don’t really think it’s a big deal, but there’s something you should know…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

Women and heart disease: Don’t wait to take it seriously

Heart disease is the number one killer of women in the U.S. That’s still surprising to some, but consider this: the likelihood a woman will die of breast cancer is about 1 in 30. The chance that she will die from heart disease is 1 in 3. That means it’s never too early to take your risks seriously.