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Healthy Aging

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Carolyn Gretton

12 conditions signaled by the way you walk

Walking comes naturally easy to us as adults. But the way we walk tends to vary from person to person. That’s no big deal unless it’s a difference that signals one of these 12 hidden health problems tipped off by how you walk…

Carolyn Gretton

Cheap supplements that payout big for an aging brain

Your gut is almost a universe unto itself, populated by trillions of microbes that help keep it and your whole body healthy and balanced. Keeping it nourished can have an especially big payout for an aging brain, without putting a dent in your wallet…

Joyce Hollman

Vitamin D’s ties to autoimmune and age-related fatigue

You might feel fatigued after a long day of activities or a long night of poor sleep. But if daily fatigue is your constant companion, the cause may be a condition that’s zapping your energy or a vitamin deficiency — or both.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Exercise renews the brain’s plaque-fighting cells

We’ve read the research that exercise can boost cognition and prevent brain shrinkage, among other benefits. But what can it do against that scourge of aging marked by those nasty brain plaques? It gives back the fighting power of a youthful brain to eat them away…

Joyce Hollman

Perk of a heart-healthy lifestyle: Slower aging

We have no control over the passage of time. But we do have a lot of control over our physiological age. That means we have a lot of say over our health as we age. In fact, if you’re already taking care of your heart, you may have already slowed your rate of aging…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Blood work of super-agers reveals what keeps a brain young

Some people’s brains seem to stay young, while for others the clock speeds by, leaving cognitive decline and brain shrinkage in its wake. Do these super-agers possess some sort of superpower? Almost. A specific nutritional profile keeps their brains young…


Carolyn Gretton

13 tips to keep you from fretting about wetting

It can be embarrassing and uncomfortable to discuss bladder problems. But it shouldn’t be since it’s something that affects us all, men and women, at different times in our lives and for different reasons. So instead of fretting about wetting, give these bladder tips a try!

Joyce Hollman

Over 60? 15 minutes can make or break your senior years

If you’re over 60 and hoping your quality of life doesn’t diminish with the years, pay attention: A long-term study has shown what you do with as little as 15 minutes of your day can cut your quality of life in half, increase hospitalizations and even lead to an early grave…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why a fracture can be more deadly than cancer

It’s no secret that with age, the risk of an accidental fall increases. Most of us don’t give it a second thought, or the potential for injury — like a fracture. But considering that stats show we have a better chance of surviving cancer, it’s something we can’t afford to ignore..

Joyce Hollman

What catching up on exercise before 60 can do for your 70s

Women who reach midlife without being physically active may think they’ve missed the boat on avoiding frailty and the diseases of aging that can make senior life miserable. But research says you can turn back the clock on years of inactivity if you hurry up and get busy now…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The link between mitochondria, Alzheimer’s and pomegranates

If you’ve heard anything about Alzheimer’s, you’ve heard plenty about the amyloid and tau protein signatures that harm the brain. But these aren’t the only proteins that clump, and research says that secret links mitochondria and the potential to reverse a variety of age-related ailments.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The tea that takes down gum disease-causing bacteria

If there’s one thing you should know about gum disease it’s this: it’s not just a “mouth” problem. It’s linked to weight gain, heart problems, brain shrinkage and even loss of longevity. Avoiding it may be just a few cups away with the right tea…