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Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Are you sleeping enough to finish your brain’s wash cycle?

When you fall asleep tonight, the dishwasher in your brain will turn on. It won’t keep you awake while it silently washes out metabolic waste left from the fuel your brain needs to run on. But if you’re not sleeping well and your neurons aren’t up to the task, waste buildup could spell trouble…

Joyce Hollman

Trouble exercising to lower blood pressure? Just sit less

Exercise isn’t easy, even if you’re young, fit and healthy. But it can get even harder with age. If you’re worried about your blood pressure but find exercise difficult, you can still lower your numbers practically as much simply by sitting less…

Joyce Hollman

A blood test could predict how fast you’re aging

Some of us are healthy agers, while probably a lot more of us are rapid agers. Being in the latter group means your body is much older than your driver’s license may say. What if a blood test could clue you in to heading off that destruction and deterioration?

Carolyn Gretton

How to start feeling younger overnight

Is feeling old keeping you from doing the things you want to, even the things you once enjoyed? Studies have shown that “feeling” can have a real impact on your health. Here’s how to ditch it and start feeling younger overnight…

Joyce Hollman

Eggs’ bad rap cheats those who need their benefits most

For far too long, too many misconceptions about eating eggs have had us second-guessing: Are eggs good for us or as bad as they say? Fortunately, attitudes are changing and research like the latest shows giving up eggs can lead to cracks in your health when you need them most…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Reducing the unique high blood pressure threat of rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis comes with a 50 percent higher risk of fatal heart problems. That makes it less surprising that people with RA often have high blood pressure. Luckily, research found a solution with benefits that accumulate for long-term blood pressure reduction.


Carolyn Gretton

10 reasons your leg could be hurting

Sometimes if you have leg pain, the cause is obvious. But there are times when you may not be sure what’s going on. And whatever the source, no one wants to suffer through pain, wondering if the cause is anything serious or not. Here are 10 reasons you could be experiencing leg pain…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

This ‘living drug’ could be the real fountain of youth

No need to travel to Florida. New findings reveal the real fountain of youth is much closer to home. Tweaking our own T cells, immune system cells, is the start of what scientists are calling a “living drug” to halt the ravages of time…

Joyce Hollman

Women’s advantage for cheating heart disease

Men and women are different in many ways, including heart disease: Men may have the higher risk, but women face a higher rate of mortality. But women have an unfair advantage that can reduce that risk as much as 30 percent with much less effort than men…

Joyce Hollman

9 natural allergy remedies that won’t put you to sleep

For most allergy sufferers, spring can be absolutely miserable. If you’re tired of antihistamines that put you to sleep, give these natural allergy remedies a go, and watch out for the dehydration factor that can make your symptoms worse…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The natural way to reduce inflammation

Inflammation seems like such a benign and common symptom. But as the saying goes, “give it an inch and it’ll take a mile.” Once it takes hold — which is easy because it’s fueled by stress, sleep loss, sugar, pollution and countless other modern-day threats — it can completely wreck your health.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Green cleaning’s not-so-green harmful chemical link

When it comes to living healthy in a polluted world, most of us will go out of our way. That may mean choosing organic produce or grass-fed beef. But when it comes to green cleaning, it looks like most of us are paying a premium for a false sense of security.