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Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Exercise renews the brain’s plaque-fighting cells

We’ve read the research that exercise can boost cognition and prevent brain shrinkage, among other benefits. But what can it do against that scourge of aging marked by those nasty brain plaques? It gives back the fighting power of a youthful brain to eat them away…

Carolyn Gretton

11 unusual signs of chronic inflammation

Chronic inflammation can cause all kinds of problems. But how do you know you have it? As a diagnosis, it can be hard to detect, which is why we’re giving you 11 of the more unusual signs that it could be wreaking havoc inside your body right now…

Joyce Hollman

Perk of a heart-healthy lifestyle: Slower aging

We have no control over the passage of time. But we do have a lot of control over our physiological age. That means we have a lot of say over our health as we age. In fact, if you’re already taking care of your heart, you may have already slowed your rate of aging…

Joyce Hollman

What we can learn from the man beating Alzheimer’s

This is the true story of a 55-year-old man whose fate seemed to be sealed, When it came to genetics and dementia, he’d drawn the short straw: two copies of the APOE4 gene. But he didn’t take it sitting down. Today, his brain tells a different story, one that can belong to any of us…

Joyce Hollman

Genetic study dives into restless leg syndrome

For years, restless leg syndrome has puzzled the medical community. It’s not an autoimmune condition, but is a symptom of many. It disrupts sleep and carries a higher risk of death, heart problems and diabetes. For answers, international researchers have turned to genetics…

Carolyn Gretton

6 ways to make your fresh produce last longer

It’s important to eat fresh fruits and veggies as part of a healthy diet. And right now, it abounds. But keeping that produce from quickly going bad once you get it home is a challenge. Here are some tips to make it a whole lot easier…


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Blood work of super-agers reveals what keeps a brain young

Some people have brains that seem to stay young, while for others, the clock seems to speed by, leaving cognitive decline and brain shrinkage in its wake. Do these people, known as super-agers, possess some sort of super power? It’s actually pretty simple: Their blood work revealed a specific nutritional profile that keeps their brains young…

Joyce Hollman

How to clean your feet to avoid infection, fungus and warts

When you shower do you wash your feet? I mean seriously and intently. Or do you hope the soap trickles down to do the job? I’m guilty, too, but not properly washing our feet can lead to problems from ugly feet to warts and infection and the threat of fungus that’s rampant in summer…

Joyce Hollman

Nighttime heat: The stroke risk we didn’t know about

It can be hard to get the bedroom temperature just right, especially during warmer months. But being too hot when you sleep is more than just uncomfortable. New research shows nighttime heat is a significant stroke risk we knew little about…

Carolyn Gretton

13 tips to keep you from fretting about wetting

It can be embarrassing and uncomfortable to discuss bladder problems. But it shouldn’t be since it’s something that affects us all, men and women, at different times in our lives and for different reasons. So instead of fretting about wetting, give these bladder tips a try!

Joyce Hollman

A bodybuilding supplement may halt Alzheimer’s progression

Exercise is great for the brain. And if your exercise game includes bodybuilding, you may have an edge over the rest of us: halting the progression of Alzheimer’s. But if weight training is off the table for you, there’s an easier way…

Joyce Hollman

Over 60? 15 minutes can make or break your senior years

If you’re over 60 and hoping your quality of life doesn’t diminish with the years, pay attention: A long-term study has shown what you do with as little as 15 minutes of your day can cut your quality of life in half, increase hospitalizations and even lead to an early grave…