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Weight Loss

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Jedha Dening

7 key strategies to get off your weight-loss plateau

Does this sound familiar… You’re working hard at losing weight and the pounds are steadily dropping, and then bang… nothing for weeks. You’ve suddenly stalled and those extra pounds just don’t want to budge. It’s certainly frustrating but one thing is for sure, you’re not alone…

Jedha Dening

The healthy hops habit that blasts fat

The flowers of the immature female hops plant have long been used to add flavor and bitterness to beer. It was from there it was discovered that the plant alters its structure and is capable of providing many health benefits — including blasting belly fat at its core. But what about beer belly?

Dr. Mark Wiley

Lose the one thing setting you up for disease

While there are many things we can do to create better health, there is one thing that, above others, elevates risk of disease and early death: being overweight and obesity. In fact, studies show that losing a few pounds…

Jenny Smiechowski

Fatty trick turns off hunger hormones

If you’re making the switch to a healthier diet, then you’re probably familiar with one particular feeling… hunger. But never fear! There’s a trick for curbing cravings that will make your life a whole lot easier and your stomach a whole lot fuller.

Jedha Dening

Why you should never skip breakfast

When you’re trying to lose weight, skipping a meal might seem like the obvious solution. After all, it lowers your calorie intake and that’s a good thing, right? But skipping breakfast leads to negative metabolic changes that can sabotage your efforts and put you in danger of stroke.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

8 ways to eat out without sabotaging your diet

Dieting is a challenge and once you add in eating out, it can seem impossible to lose the weight and keep it off. But, there are ways to make healthy choices no matter where you choose to eat. Here are the top ways…


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How to reduce weight gain the more you eat

There’s a quick trick you can use to keep those pounds from coming back, maintain your weight loss and stay fit and it’s backed up by science. Researchers say it “pushes the right biological buttons” that keep your body from gaining weight.

Jenny Smiechowski

The frugal way to fight ageing

If you’re tired of spending money on anti-aging serums, I have good news: There’s a simple way to slow aging while also spending less. At first, it may sound like cruel and unusual punishment, but hear me out… research participants’ biological age appeared to go backwards!

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What your food cravings are telling you

Everyone has food cravings… In fact, 97 percent of women and 68 percent of men say they experience cravings for very specific foods. In all likelihood, you’re one of them. So, what are those cravings trying to tell you?

Debra Atkinson

7 ways to weight loss, even after menopause

Without realizing it, most female baby boomers are following a fat belly formula instead of the flat belly formula they want. The old advice can and does actually backfire. But these seven components have helped my midlife clients finally lose weight and feel great…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

5 ways to ‘shake off’ body fat

If you’re looking to lose weight, get in shape and blast away the excess body fat, you should be drinking protein shakes. In fact, replacing one to two meals per day with a high-quality protein drink is one of the easiest ways to drop pounds fast…

Craig Cooper

Once-weekly habit helps avoid cancer, stroke and Alzheimer’s

We live in America, the land of the super-size! We love our food so why would we not eat? That’s crazy talk! But in case you are inclined to join me and millions of others who are convinced of the proven health benefits of this new habit, here are tips to get started…