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Weight Loss

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Easy Health Options Staff

You burn more calories walking than you think

If your primary exercise is walking — and you’ve even jumped onto the fitness bandwagon with an activity tracker to keep up with your number of steps and calories burned — I have some news you should really appreciate…

Margaret Cantwell

Ditch this ONE food to ditch disease-causing calories

A new term has cropped up amid the food industry. At first you might think it only adds confusion, but once you understand its distinction — you’ll realize that avoiding the foods that expand your waistline and decrease your lifespan is actually easier than you thought.

Easy Health Options Staff

Men have body image issues too

Women are not the only ones harboring concerns over body image, we’ve learned following results of The Male Body Image Study. However, in an interesting twist, most men who were classified as “overweight” felt satisfied with their appearance.

Easy Health Options Staff

The appetite suppressant available on tap

Appetite suppressants can be costly. They can also be dangerous. Do I even need to remind you about ephedra? There’s got to be a better way, right? And there is…

Dr. Mark Wiley

Obesity lies: Throw out your scale and weigh this

Everyone has a weight scale in their bathroom. They stand on it frequently to see what they weigh. And that number seems to mark their place in the weight continuum and guides their eating habits. But the numbers on these scales don’t tell the whole picture.

Dr. Mark Wiley

The ‘More Fiber Diet’ just may be a panacea

Weight loss is a very difficult thing. What’s more, being overweight or obese can make exercising extremity difficult, which can lead to a host of serious health conditions including metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, depression, chronic pain and premature death.


Craig Cooper

9 ways to fight the 6 things making you heavier

It’s no secret that obesity is a major health challenge today and one that has grown steadily over the past years. But why are we heavier today than we were three decades ago?

Dr. Mark Wiley

Being “fit obese” is no match for early death

Last night my family and I watched an episode of “Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition.” On this particular episode, a man in his thirties had been 500 lbs. He thought he was “obese, but fit.” Turns out, being “fit” is no match for being “obese” when it comes to early death…

Easy Health Options Staff

Can you flip a ‘fat-thin’ switch?

When you see a set of identical twins, it’s hard not to stare. They’re fascinating. Two different people, almost exactly the same… but one thing they can differ on is their weight. Sometimes one is thin and one is overweight. One possibility for the difference has to do with…

Easy Health Options Staff

The secret to healthier weight loss

There are so many diet recommendations it’s hard to know which route to take. That’s why a group of researchers decided to test three specific diets to see how they performed, not only in amount of weight lost, but also in health benefits gained. They found…

Easy Health Options Staff

How to melt away fat with half the effort

On average, we gain more weight in the winter. Worse, diets started in the winter are extremely likely to fail. Why? The evolutionary needs that made our early ancestors so fit and strong are now making us fat. Override them…

Margaret Cantwell

Once vilified superfood boosts muscle and sheds pounds

If you’re concerned about your blood sugar and want to avoid diabetes… want to lose weight and build muscle… then this is the superfood for you. Skipping the cereal, bread and bagels for breakfast and opting for eggs also leads to significant weight loss…