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Weight Loss

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Dr. Isaac Eliaz

How to spice up your fat-burning metabolism

In today’s overweight world, losing pounds and staying slim often seems like a national obsession. Fortunately, research now demonstrates that a spice found in nearly every kitchen contains a natural chemical that can help promote healthy fat metabolism … and lead to fewer fat cells.

Easy Health Options Staff

Does this study prove cheating on your diet is ok?

There are many diets-du-jour to choose from. And most likely you’ve heard and read about most of them. But when it comes to promises of better health and a sleek physique — few can stand up to this one…

Jenny Smiechowski

Can a low-carb diet keep your body cancer free?

Whether or not you’ve traded in your bread and rice for lettuce wraps and cauliflower, there is no denying that low-carb diets have some major health benefits. This is why the low-carb craze has been going strong for years…

Dr. Mark Wiley

Ditch the gadgets for simple basics that work

We all want fast results with minimal effort. This is especially true when it comes to health and wellness. Have you seen the infomercials? They’re stacked with fitness programming. But all this convenience comes at a cost: It doesn’t work and it’s expensive! Here’s what I’m talking about…

Jenny Smiechowski

Eat this one food to zap body fat and keep it off

Anyone who’s tried to get rid of excess body fat knows those extra pounds can be extremely stubborn. Even worse, once you finally lose the weight, it can be an uphill battle to keep it off. But this one food…

Margaret Cantwell

Your most valuable tool for getting what you want

Is there anything in your life you’d like to change? If you answered ‘no,’ I’d really be surprised. I might also secretly wonder if you were being truthful with me — but more importantly — with yourself.


Easy Health Options Staff

How food packaging makes you gain weight

When it comes to marketing and advertising — images are where it’s at. And no industry knows this better than the foodies. But it’s not the ingredients that are the problem…

Easy Health Options Staff

To eat less, listen to this appetite-controlling sound

This sound may actually help you cut down on the amount of food you eat. If you guessed rap music, you’d be wrong. It’s even more intolerable than that. And if you suffer from misophonia — it would probably work even better on you…

Easy Health Options Staff

You burn more calories walking than you think

If your primary exercise is walking — and you’ve even jumped onto the fitness bandwagon with an activity tracker to keep up with your number of steps and calories burned — I have some news you should really appreciate…

Margaret Cantwell

Ditch this ONE food to ditch disease-causing calories

A new term has cropped up amid the food industry. At first you might think it only adds confusion, but once you understand its distinction — you’ll realize that avoiding the foods that expand your waistline and decrease your lifespan is actually easier than you thought.

Easy Health Options Staff

Men have body image issues too

Women are not the only ones harboring concerns over body image, we’ve learned following results of The Male Body Image Study. However, in an interesting twist, most men who were classified as “overweight” felt satisfied with their appearance.

Easy Health Options Staff

The appetite suppressant available on tap

Appetite suppressants can be costly. They can also be dangerous. Do I even need to remind you about ephedra? There’s got to be a better way, right? And there is…