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Brain Health

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Virginia Tims-Lawson

How ‘normal’ blood pressure accelerates brain aging

Focusing only on your brain to avoid dementia may be a big fail. That’s because blood pressure has been found to quietly accelerate brain aging. That’s worrisome enough for any of us with high blood pressure, but anyone relying on the changing definitions of what constitutes normal blood pressure could be in for a big surprise.

Carolyn Gretton

How Alzheimer’s may start in the liver

A hallmark feature of Alzheimer’s disease is the progressive accumulation of toxic protein deposits within the brain called beta-amyloid. Though we’ve learned a lot about the disease, researchers haven’t been sure where the amyloid originated from, or why it deposited in the brain. New research indicates a surprising source…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What your teeth can reveal about your dementia risk

You already know poor oral health can lead to heart disease. Well, there’s another concerning connection, especially if you’re already experiencing tooth loss. A large meta-analysis of scientific studies found that once you start losing teeth, dementia could be just down the road. That means the sooner you tackle the underlying cause, the better. These supplements can help…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

CBD’s Pac-Man-like effect on Alzheimer’s plaques

Plaques are a hallmark sign of Alzheimer’s disease that accumulate in the brain over time. While there are drugs used in the treatment of Alzheimer’s, they don’t affect the pathophysiology of the disease at its source. But as research into CBD has revealed, there may be another way to halt the damage these plaques do…

Joyce Hollman

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy reversed hallmarks of Alzheimer’s

HBOT treatment involves spending time in a special chamber, where air pressure levels are 1.5 to 3 times higher than average, breathing pure oxygen. The goal is to fill the blood with enough oxygen to repair tissues and restore normal body function. And that’s how it appears to have reversed the development of biological hallmarks that lead to Alzheimer’s.

Joyce Hollman

Your brain and aging: It’s not all bad news

Bad news: Most people assume that their memory and other brain functions will automatically worsen with age. True, there is some cognitive decline. Good news: But research shows that some important brain functions actually improve as we get older. Here’s what you can worry a lot less about…


Joyce Hollman

5 factors that can crush genetic risks for Alzheimer’s

Having a genetic risk for Alzheimer’s can be really scary. But the National Institutes of Health found that people who adhered to at least four of five specific healthy lifestyle factors lowered their risk of Alzheimer’s by sixty percent. Best news of all? Even octogenarians can avoid Alzheimer’s by following these habits…

Joyce Hollman

Alzheimer’s to stroke: What playing an instrument does for your brain

At any given moment, I can listen to the right tune to help me feel calmer, happier, more focused or primed for sleep. But playing music also improves your life in multiple ways. In fact, learning to play a musical instrument is well worth the effort, especially for your brain, even if you don’t start learning until you’re an older adult…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Meditation: Better concentration now and less degeneration later

Although millions of people around the world seek mental clarity through meditation, most of us in the U.S. ignore this powerful tool. True, most of us have little time to set aside for ourselves. But considering how much science shows the simple practice can improve concentration now and lessen the risk for degeneration, even Alzheimer’s, later, we can’t afford not to make time…

Joyce Hollman

Does your body have enough beige fat to ward off dementia?

When all the experts are telling you to cut down on fat it can be confusing. But the body contains one fat that you certainly need more of, especially if you want to avoid cognitive decline. In fact, this fat has been deemed “indispensable” in protecting the brain from dementia. Here’s how to turn your fat to the good side and benefit…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The daily activities that could delay Alzheimer’s by five years

Did you know that for every year you live past 65, the number of people in your age group living with dementia doubles? Before you get too worried, you should know researchers have proven it’s possible to keep your brain healthy longer. In fact, certain activities can help you delay Alzheimer’s and dementia for an additional five years.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The link between coffee, brain volume, stroke and dementia

A huge amount of overwhelmingly positive research has surfaced in the last few years about coffee’s health benefits, including longevity and nootropic effects. But researchers down under have found a big problem with coffee that can lead to brain shrinkage, stroke and dementia. Don’t worry, there’s an easy way around it…