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Brain Health

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Jenny Smiechowski

How heart problems steal gray matter from your brain

You know what happens when you tip over one domino — the whole row falls. And the same thing happens with your health… In fact, a new study shows that the amount of blood your heart pumps out directly impacts the amount of oh-so-important grey matter you have in your brain…

Joyce Hollman

How playing ping pong reverses symptoms of Parkinson’s disease

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter produced by a portion of the brain called the substantia nigra. Dopamine controls muscle movement, everything from walking and gripping with the hands, to smiling and swallowing. As Parkinson’s patients produce less dopamine, symptoms become more apparent. But a fun activity shows promise for keeping them active.

Jenny Smiechowski

What too little (or too much water) does to your brain

Changes in your cognitive abilities can start subtly. Maybe you forget doctor’s appointments and lunch dates. You lose your train of thought in conversations. You may become concerned it’s dementia. But before you start thinking worst-case scenario, there’s something you should know…

Jenny Smiechowski

The best morning hack for boosting your brainpower as much as coffee

Coffee is an incredible brain booster. That’s why we hit it first thing in the morning. Plus, it has amazing benefits, like lower risk of Parkinson’s, type 2 diabetes and liver disease. But if coffee isn’t your thing, there’s another way to make your mind sharp, productive and limitless at the start of the day…

Jenny Smiechowski

What that daily drink does to your brain’s age

Here’s my motto when it comes to brain aging: the slower, the better. Because, as your brain ages, your memory slips, your cognitive abilities decline, and you lose your independence. Who wants that? So when I found out how much faster even a small sip of alcohol daily makes your brain age, it made me think…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Treatment sheds light on avoiding long-term consequences of concussion

As much as we’re learning about the long-term effects of concussion, recovery is still challenging. Considering consequences like concentration and memory problems, it’s an important issue to address. Especially for seniors who can surprisingly experience a concussion during a fall even without hitting their head…


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Can trying too hard ruin your chance at happiness?

Here in the U.S., our Declaration of Independence says that each of us is entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Another very American mantra is to try and try again. But for a lot of us, following that advice is resulting in the exact opposite of what we’re looking for…

Joyce Hollman

Can stress really turn your hair gray?

When Marie Antoinette was captured during the French Revolution, her hair reportedly turned white overnight. One look at “before and after” photos of most American presidents tells the same story. We’ve all heard tales of people who turned gray after a stressful event. But what does science say about it?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The flavonols found to reduce Alzheimer’s risk by almost 50 percent

You’ve probably heard of antioxidants. They’re the healthy compounds that fight free radical damage from the oxidative stress caused by everything from exposure to U.V. rays to eating fried foods and even your body’s own physiological processes. Now, the effect of one kind at keeping Alzheimer’s away has been measured, and it’s amazing…

Jenny Smiechowski

The most widely-consumed cooking oil’s alarming brain side effects

It’s one of the most popular ingredients in packaged foods… from bread to protein bars to chips to lunch meat. And then there’s restaurant food. So even if you don’t cook with it, you’re likely eating it. Research links it to diabetes and fatty liver disease, and now the brain…

Joyce Hollman

5 secret side effects of exercise that have nothing to do with fitness

It’s no secret that a sedentary lifestyle, where the most exercise you get is standing up from your chair, can be deadly. Just doing any sort of exercise regularly can protect your best years. Because staying active does much more than control blood pressure and prevent strokes and heart attacks.

Joyce Hollman

3 ways belly fat starts disease and slows your brain

The interconnectedness of your brain, your gut, and your immune system is a well-known fact, but maybe one that’s not completely familiar to you. The more you know about it, the more you can do to hold onto your health and keep your independence as you age. And it starts at your belly…