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Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Live cold, die old: How temperature affects lifespan

We’ve all heard the saying, “Live fast, die young.” It’s one that’s stood the test of time since living a fast and risky life is often cut short. Now, there’s one more adage that will likely stand up to that time test, and may have you cranking up your AC: Live cold, die old…

Margaret Cantwell

The Alzheimer’s drug on the horizon that’s really a vitamin

Could an existing FDA-approved drug be that magic Alzheimer’s pill we’ve been waiting for? It reduced those signature brain plaques and improved memory deficits in mice. Better yet? The “drug” is a simple vitamin that’s already shown that people with the lowest intake are 80 percent more likely to develop the disease…

Craig Cooper

6 reasons you shouldn’t get testosterone therapy

The biggest complaints men have that can often lead to considering testosterone therapy are weight gain, lack of energy, low libido, depression and lack of muscle tone. They’re often convinced that testosterone therapy will solve everything. But there’s another side to that coin…

Joyce Hollman

Our organs age at different rates and what it means

When you read about slowing aging or promoting a longer lifespan, it’s a safe bet you assumed your biological age applied to your whole body. Turns out, while our organs are busy doing different jobs, they’re also aging at different rates. What’s that mean for us?

Carl Lowe

Survive the heat with a single supplement

Summer heat is a real hazzard. But you can help your body shrug off the dog days of summer with a simple vitamin. Sound crazy? Not when you understand how it keeps your blood moving, which cools your skin and reduces your risk for stroke…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Migraine may signal one of these four endocrine disorders

When is a migraine more than just a pain condition? When it’s a symptom. Having an endocrine-related condition is likely to increase your risk of migraine headaches. That means there could be a potentially serious condition behind those terrible headaches…


Virginia Tims-Lawson

Low T and ED? Blame a high protein diet

Eating a high protein diet is a great way to keep your muscles strong so that you don’t lose them with age. But there are some downsides. For men, eating a diet with too much protein can lead to low levels of testosterone, low sperm count and ED. Here’s how to find balance…

Joyce Hollman

How many steps to live longer? Which side of 60 are you on?

You’ve probably heard that 10,000 is the optimal number of steps per day to add years to your life. Truth is, there’s nothing to back that up. But a look at 15 studies has plenty of data to back up the amount that can give you real benefits. And it depends on what side of 60 you’re on.

William Davis

Vitamin D: The secrets behind the lost cure

Numerous studies have confirmed head-to-toe benefits of vitamin D that go far beyond strong bones. But the disease connection to low levels of the vitamin is just the tip of the iceberg of what you should know to avoid the silent epidemic behind the rise in autoimmune disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s and more…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

‘Everyday’ plastics mess with metabolism, increase fat cells

Endless commercials tell us if we join weight loss programs and eat their pre-packaged meals, the pounds will drop. Maybe you’ve tried them or followed a diet at home, working out on top of all of that, but the scale keeps going up. Let me be the first to tell you to stop beating yourself up. Here’s why…

Joyce Hollman

New therapeutic target takes aim at Age-related Macular Degeneration

AMD leads to loss of the sharp vision required for activities like reading, driving, recognizing faces and seeing the world in color. It can also lead to blindness. To keep that from happening, research looks into gene therapy, inflammation and oxidative stress…

Joyce Hollman

Live longer strengthening muscles just one hour a week

Anything you can do to develop stronger muscles will add years to your life — up to 20 percent more! But if you’re like me you’re not a fan of breaking a sweat. I have good news for all of us: When it comes to the benefits of muscle-strengthening exercise, less is more…