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Carolyn Gretton

Can’t quit bacon? These plants might protect you

It’s been hammered into our heads that processed meats like bacon and sausage make us sick. That doesn’t make it any easier to eat less of these tasty foods. Luckily, researchers have identified a plant extract that not only may act as a substitute for the dangerous preservatives in processed meat, it may counteract their ill health effects.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The 9 best and worst foods for your liver

Your liver performs more than 500 vital functions. From processing and storing nutrients to balancing blood sugar, fueling muscles, regulating blood clotting and filtering toxins from your blood stream, your liver is always hard at work. Let’s take a deep dive into the foods that love your liver and the foods your liver would love for you to forget.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The diet that accelerates hair loss

It’s been noticed among the scientific community that there are higher rates of male-pattern baldness and hair thinning among men and women who are overweight. So they decided to dig deep into the connection. They found a tangled web of fat, inflammation and oxidative stress that blocks hair follicle renewal, and here’s what you can do about it…

Joyce Hollman

Your brain and aging: It’s not all bad news

Bad news: Most people assume that their memory and other brain functions will automatically worsen with age. True, there is some cognitive decline. Good news: But research shows that some important brain functions actually improve as we get older. Here’s what you can worry a lot less about…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The pesticide that helps pack on the pounds

It’s no secret that for decades Americans have been getting heavier. There are a lot of reasons why, and we’ve been conditioned to believe they are within our control, and that not following a healthy diet or overeating is no one’s fault but our own. But it may not have been the food all along, and instead, what was on the food…

Joyce Hollman

The grain you’ve never heard of that could prevent diabetes

Most of us have gotten the message: eating more whole grains (as opposed to refined grains like white flour and white rice), is key to healthy living, especially if you want to avoid chronic disease. And nothing can become chronic faster than jumping from prediabetes to a full-fledged diagnosis. But the right grain can completely turn things around, and it’s gluten-free…


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The secret to lower blood pressure with flavonoids

One of the most interesting things about the human body is how it works together. That’s why for healthy blood pressure, you need a healthy gut. The reason? It all comes down to how certain foods are metabolized, particularly flavonoids, which are known to have great effects on blood pressure levels. But the results may not be the same for everyone…

Joyce Hollman

5 factors that can crush genetic risks for Alzheimer’s

Having a genetic risk for Alzheimer’s can be really scary. But the National Institutes of Health found that people who adhered to at least four of five specific healthy lifestyle factors lowered their risk of Alzheimer’s by sixty percent. Best news of all? Even octogenarians can avoid Alzheimer’s by following these habits…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

How an acidic diet can take your kidney health down fast

When most of us think about the foods we eat, we get stuck on things like fat, calories and the amount of sugar in them. Yet, one thing few of us consider is the effect of food on the pH balance — alkalinity to acidity ratio — of the body, which is equally as important… even moreso, for your kidneys.

Joyce Hollman

Fermented foods or fiber: Tackling the driving force behind disease

Research has shown that the makeup of your microbiome greatly affects your immune system. But that’s not all. It impacts your weight, healthy aging and your risk of numerous chronic diseases, including diabetes and heart disease. Two types of foods, fiber and fermented foods, have been known to increase bacterial diversity in the gut. But one does a much better job…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Scientists calculate which foods add or subtract minutes from your life

Don’t you love the advice to eat better? Silly question. In fact, we hate to hear it because, what is better, specifically? Oftentimes, it’s conflicting. And it rarely includes our favorite indulgences. That’s why we struggle to choose and stick to a healthy diet. But would it be easier if you knew which foods added or subtracted minutes from your life?

William Davis

How do you know if you have leaky gut?

People suffering from Leaky Gut spend years looking for relief. Knowing the symptoms and conditions that can be tied to leaky gut is a good starting point for you to nail down what’s ailing you and how to get relief…