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Jenny Smiechowski

Overeating? Berries can put you back in control

We all have times when we overdo it at the dinner table. Unfortunately, overeating regularly causes you to gain weight, increases your risk of chronic conditions like diabetes, heart disease, cognitive decline and cancer and triggers hormonal changes that make it harder to stop overeating. Luckily, this simple, healthy snack can stop the vicious cycle of overeating…

Jenny Smiechowski

The high cholesterol-carb connection

You probably remember the days when saturated fat was the enemy of people prone to high cholesterol. In fact, you’ll still see many widely respected health institutions advising people with high cholesterol to cut back on the fats. But a lot of recent evidence shows that this advice is outdated. If you really want to lower your cholesterol, you need to focus on carbs instead…

Jenny Smiechowski

Pump up your pear intake for better blood pressure and blood sugar

Everyone’s always telling you to eat probiotic foods. But once you’ve got that good bacteria in there, you have to feed it the right things to get it to stick around. That’s where prebiotic foods come in. One juicy fruit is perfectly suited to feed the healthy bacteria in your gut in a way that helps lower blood pressure, balances blood sugar and more…

Joyce Hollman

5 health-changing reasons to eat arugula

When most people think of healthy greens, they think of kale or spinach. But have you tried arugula? This peppery-spicy, delicate-looking green can help lower your blood pressure and save you from bone fractures, and that’s just for starters…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The diet shown to help shrink cancer and decrease damage from chemo

Even with successful cancer treatment, many people suffer toxic damage from the chemotherapy designed to save their lives. But new research has found a diet has the power not only to boost the effectiveness of tumor-shrinking treatments but also to protect cells against the DNA damage caused by chemo…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

This adrenal hormone may be why you can’t get your BP down

New research into hypertension recently proved that a condition long considered to be an uncommon cause of high blood pressure is actually quite common. The problem? Doctors weren’t testing for it enough and when they did their technique was highly inaccurate. Could this be the cause behind your BP problems?


Jenny Smiechowski

Keep this red meat compound from aging your arteries and brain

Despite its reputation for raising the risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer, some recent studies show that eating red meat in moderation isn’t that bad for you. But that doesn’t mean you’ve got a free pass to indulge until the cows come home. Red meat does contain a compound that poses harm to your arteries and brain.

Jenny Smiechowski

3 antioxidants that provide the best protection from Alzheimer’s

Once you hit middle age, chronic and degenerative diseases become the biggest threat to your health and longevity. Many of these diseases occur when oxidative stress causes free radicals to attack your cells… including Alzheimer’s. But a few potent antioxidants could protect you from the oxidative stress that puts you at risk for debilitating diseases like Alzheimer’s…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

Should you avoid soy — or not?

Patients and readers often ask me about the risks of soy: Is there a connection to cancer? Can it help hot flashes? And as a cardiologist, I’m probably asked most often… Is soy really beneficial for heart health? Recently, the evidence really swung in soy’s favor…

Jenny Smiechowski

Why people who eat leafy greens live longer

There’s a good reason everyone always tells you to eat your greens. They’re chock-full of vitamins, minerals and nutrients that keep you happy and healthy — including one specific vitamin that’s essential to your body’s ability to clot blood, create bone, maintain healthy blood pressure and, now, a new study shows it could help you live longer.

Jenny Smiechowski

The snack habit that lowers cholesterol and heart disease risk

When you’re craving a snack, you have two choices. You can reach for something salty, crunchy and processed (like potato chips) that won’t do your heart health any favors. Or you can reach for something that’s just as satisfying that significantly improves your cholesterol, blood vessel health and cardiovascular disease risk…

Joyce Hollman

Chocolate: The sweet way to suppress a cough

Researchers have persisted in looking for natural remedies to act as cough suppressants when honey and lemon just aren’t enough — and narcotics like codeine are way too much. That’s where the chemical in cocoa that knocks out coughs comes in…