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Joyce Hollman

9 foods for a slim liver and slimmer chance of liver cancer

When your liver’s overloaded with calories, fats and sugars from foods, it stores that excess caloric energy in the form of fat. This condition is known as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. That’s a problem because a fatty liver creates a welcoming environment for the most common form of liver cancer…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

Meal delivery kit do’s and don’ts for your health and your wallet

A recent Nielsen survey shows 23 percent of American households were considering purchasing a meal kit within the next six months. Can these meal kits be part of a heart-healthy diet? The answer is possibly… But there are some do’s and don’ts to keep you and your wallet healthier…

Joyce Hollman

How food choices can make your menopause symptoms better or worse

You’ve heard the saying, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” right? Based on a new study published in the journal Menopause, it’s entirely possible that an apple a day helps keep menopause symptoms away. And it’s not just apples, either. These foods can worsen or relieve the uncomfortable symptoms of menopause…

Jenny Smiechowski

5 healthy cooking oils and how to use them in the kitchen

Cooking oil overwhelm is REAL. There’s so much conflicting information about which oils are healthy… and which aren’t. Which ones have low smoke points — and which don’t (and what the heck is that anyway?). Here are five great ones to keep in your kitchen and all the answers to your questions about cooking with them…

Joyce Hollman

The drink that exercises fat from your liver

Obesity and type 2 diabetes are on the rise. And both of these conditions are risk factors for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, a condition forecast to affect millions. We’re facing more fat in our diets and our hard-working livers pay the price. But a simple drink can send that fat running faster than exercise…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The Japanese secret that reduces the risk of dying from anything (well, almost)

When you think of good health, heart disease protection, and longevity, fermented foods may not be the first to come to your mind. But the long-lived Japanese can affirm: They’re valuable tools against diseases — especially one that kills 37 Americans every second…


Joyce Hollman

What cocoa does for healthier arteries

Peripheral artery disease is a condition in which your arteries are narrowed and can’t carry enough blood to the parts of your body furthest from your heart, like your arms and legs. It increases heart attack and stroke risk, too. Its early signs can be surprising, but perhaps not so much as the spice that can help…

Jenny Smiechowski

Sick of being told what to eat? Try the anti-diet

Many of us have lost our natural ability to simply eat. We worry we eat too much or too little. We count calories or eliminate entire food groups. Wouldn’t it be nice to let go of oppressive dieting rules and learn to eat intuitively again, just like when you were young? Here are 8 simple ways to make eating fun again…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

A cardiologist’s warning about giving up the carbs

As a cardiologist who’s always been interested in nutrition, I encourage you to step away from the hype and the false trends, move beyond macronutrients, and follow the dietary advice that has stood the test of time, allows humans to live long well, and is profoundly elegant, simple and sound, starting with carbs…

Joyce Hollman

Ginger’s potential to ward of superbugs and other ways to avoid nosocomial infections

When you’re admitted to a hospital, whether for surgery or an illness, you expect to come out healthier than you went in, or at least not sicker. Unfortunately, for one in every ten people, just the opposite happens. While in the hospital, those people contract a nosocomial infection.

Jenny Smiechowski

The most widely-consumed cooking oil’s alarming brain side effects

It’s one of the most popular ingredients in packaged foods… from bread to protein bars to chips to lunch meat. And then there’s restaurant food. So even if you don’t cook with it, you’re likely eating it. Research links it to diabetes and fatty liver disease, and now the brain…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

When natural isn’t healthy and reduced sodium is a hoax

From “natural” to “non-GMO,” food labels can make almost any item in the grocery store appear good for you. But we know that most processed foods are far from healthy. If you’re confused in the grocery store aisles, here’s Dr. Klodas’ guide to exactly what all the labels mean…