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Joyce Hollman

Are breast implants worth the cancer and autoimmune risks?

What lengths would you go to reshape your body so that it more closely matches the “ideal” women’s figure? Would you mind being inconvenienced or uncomfortable for a few days or a week? How do you feel about pain? What about cancer?

Jenny Smiechowski

The snack habit that sets you up for sun-damaged prematurely-aged skin

The genes that metabolize food so efficiently during the day don’t work that well at night. They think they’re off duty. That means late-night snacking could lead to metabolic imbalances and weight gain. But there’s more to the story than just that…

Joyce Hollman

The ‘coffee treatment’ for rosacea

Research is pointing more and more to the health benefits of our favorite indulgence: Coffee. In fact, we’ve recently found there’s something special about your morning cup that works as a treatment for a distressing skin condition that has no cure…

Dr. Michael Cutler

Answers for age spots and vascular skin blemishes

I often have patients come to me about visible signs of aging. After wrinkles and sagging skin, they’re most concerned about darkened spots and growths, and vascular skin blemishes. If you have these same concerns, I’d like to share with you how I help my patients…

Joyce Hollman

A few ways the experts say we’re showering all wrong

Suds. Warm water. Steam. And relaxation… There’s just nothing like a nice, long, hot shower. It feels good, that’s for sure. But dermatologists have other ideas about what’s good for you when it comes to soaping up and rinsing down. In fact, most of us could learn a few things…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The 5-minute facial massage for beautiful skin

If you want to love your skin, it makes sense that improving circulation will help. It is, after all, considered your largest organ. So that means there is a lot of territory to cover and you want all of it to benefit from the oxygen and nutrients your blood carries to your skin cells…


Joyce Hollman

8 concerning skin conditions that show up after 40

Some strange things can start happening to your skin once you’ve reached your fifth or sixth decade of life. Here are eight skin changes that men and women may observe as we get older, what to expect to see and what to do about them…

Joyce Hollman

7 foods to soothe winter skin

Winter is probably the worst time of year for anyone’s skin. But for those of us with naturally dry skin, as well as skin that’s passed its fifth decade or so, the challenge of making it through the winter can be even greater. Let’s keep it healthy and looking good, too…

Jenny Smiechowski

What cannabis cream could do for your skin

If you’ve ever suffered from a chronic skin problem or disease, you know that it’s not just physically uncomfortable, it’s psychologically uncomfortable too. You could turn to a popular medicinal herb for life-changing relief from your chronic skin problems… especially those with a strong itch factor.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

11 great ways to use coconut oil

One of my favorite products of all time is coconut oil. I use it daily and think it’s hands-down one of the best ways to improve your health and get clearer, softer, younger-looking skin. Here are several ways, and just as many more benefits, of using coconut oil…

Dr. Michael Cutler

3 ways to reduce the appearance of cellulite

What’s good about the seasons changing from summer to fall? Most of us think it’s the cooler temperatures and beautiful foliage. But sadly, there are a lot of people, mostly women, who are glad to see swimsuit and shorts season go. Why? Cellulite…

Dr. Michael Cutler

Mesotherapy: The technique that melts stubborn fat

You can diet and exercise, but there are just some places the fat clings to. But instead of choosing surgery or liposuction, there’s a less invasive technique that involves injecting a naturally occurring plant chemical into fat pockets to dissolve them.