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Carolyn Gretton

A little exercise goes a long way to ease depression

Exercise has proven itself as effective as medication at relieving depression symptoms and risk. But being depressed makes it hard to be motivated enough to commit to a regular routine. Fortunately, to benefit, it doesn’t take as much as you might think.

Joyce Hollman

Heart-healthy benefits of exercise start in the brain

Everyone knows exercise benefits the heart. And we assume it’s because our heart muscle gets stronger and blood pressure, cholesterol and weight get lower. But there’s a key step that happens before that — and it starts in your brain…

Joyce Hollman

The daytime secret to better sleep at night

If you have trouble sleeping, or you feel tired in the morning, and you’ve tried everything under the sun (and moon), it’s time to examine what your day looks like. It may hold the secret to the elusive and essential sleep your health depends on…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The free solution to ‘dry eye’ you can do at home

When you blink, your eyes are awash with a substance known as “tear film.” It keeps your eyes moist and feeling great. But when it’s compromised, you suffer from dry, irritated eyes. You’ve probably tried the prescription and even the over-the-counter drops to find relief. Save your money, and try this…

Joyce Hollman

Trouble exercising to lower blood pressure? Just sit less

Exercise isn’t easy, even if you’re young, fit and healthy. But it can get even harder with age. If you’re worried about your blood pressure but find exercise difficult, you can still lower your numbers practically as much simply by sitting less…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Reducing the unique high blood pressure threat of rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis comes with a 50 percent higher risk of fatal heart problems. That makes it less surprising that people with RA often have high blood pressure. Luckily, research found a solution with benefits that accumulate for long-term blood pressure reduction.


Joyce Hollman

Women’s advantage for cheating heart disease

Men and women are different in many ways, including heart disease: Men may have the higher risk, but women face a higher rate of mortality. But women have an unfair advantage that can reduce that risk as much as 30 percent with much less effort than men…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The natural way to reduce inflammation

Inflammation seems like such a benign and common symptom. But as the saying goes, “give it an inch and it’ll take a mile.” Once it takes hold — which is easy because it’s fueled by stress, sleep loss, sugar, pollution and countless other modern-day threats — it can completely wreck your health.

Joyce Hollman

The underrated benefits of stretching that rival strenuous exercise

Most people stretch to warm up cold muscles before they jump into some heavy-duty exercise. But what if stretching IS exercise? Check mark! And even better: what if it reduces arterial stiffness at the same time it reduces stiffness in your body, and helps you live longer?

Carolyn Gretton

Lose fat exercising just two days a week

For optimal health and weight, experts say we have to get anywhere from 75 to 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise a week. But who has time for that much exercise? That’s why scientists have been exploring whether it’s truly necessary to get that much…

Carolyn Gretton

Two factors that weaken your muscles more than aging

We tend to resign ourselves to the fact that as we get older our muscles get weaker and decline is inevitable. But could it be the other way around? When researchers looked at primary aging and something called secondary aging, a different picture emerged…

Joyce Hollman

The daily trick for overcoming pain

Chronic pain can consume you, make you unable to concentrate on work or family, and ultimately keep you from doing things you enjoy. Drugs can be both disappointing and risky. But science says there’s a daily habit for overcoming pain that really works…