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Healthy Aging

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Joyce Hollman

The trick to using optimism to live longer and better

Research says being an optimist can absolutely add years to your healthspan, the number of years you get to live a healthy, disease-free, productive life. But it depends on when you’re optimistic in response to the stressors in your life — before they happen or after…

Joyce Hollman

Our organs age at different rates and what it means

When you read about slowing aging or promoting a longer lifespan, it’s a safe bet you assumed your biological age applied to your whole body. Turns out, while our organs are busy doing different jobs, they’re also aging at different rates. What’s that mean for us?

Carl Lowe

Survive the heat with a single supplement

Summer heat is a real hazzard. But you can help your body shrug off the dog days of summer with a simple vitamin. Sound crazy? Not when you understand how it keeps your blood moving, which cools your skin and reduces your risk for stroke…

Joyce Hollman

Study identifies how many years your brain ages per drink

What’s the harm in a daily drink? Despite what smaller studies have found, it turns out just one drink followed by just one more can exponentially age your brain by shrinking it. In fact, a shockingly small amount can steal a decade from your brain…

Joyce Hollman

New therapeutic target takes aim at Age-related Macular Degeneration

AMD leads to loss of the sharp vision required for activities like reading, driving, recognizing faces and seeing the world in color. It can also lead to blindness. To keep that from happening, research looks into gene therapy, inflammation and oxidative stress…

Carolyn Gretton

10 factors most likely to manifest before Alzheimer’s sets in

There are a lot of factors believed to contribute to Alzheimer’s. Without a cure, there’s hope that early identification of these factors may give us the chance to intervene. These 10 factors have been identified as those most likely to manifest many years before Alzheimer’s onset…


Virginia Tims-Lawson

How body fat can function to stave off old-age ailments

Most of us think of body fat as something we need to lose. However, growing research is proving it’s much more than a reservoir for storing calories. Depending on how well it functions, fat may be key to preventing some of the most common age-related ailments.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Autoimmune disease over 50: Why the rise and how to stop it

If you’re at an age where heart and brain health are top of mind, you might be missing a threat that’s 50 percent higher in older adults than it was 25 years ago. The good news is that the nutrients that support your heart and brain can also decrease your autoimmune risk by 30 percent.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Fatigue: How to keep it from shortening your lifespan

Do you feel good about your energy levels or do you struggle to make it through daily activities, even ones you used to enjoy, ending up exhausted? Your answer could predict whether or not you’re going to live a long, healthy life or die within the next three years.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

‘Retinal age gap’: A window to how well you’re aging

Your eyes are the window to your soul. Now, research shows your eyes can tell even more. Comparing the age of your retina to your chronological age may present a powerful screening tool to see if you’re at a heightened risk for death.

Carolyn Gretton

Three seconds to stronger muscles? It’s not as crazy as it sounds

Fitness experts have focused in recent years on exercise programs that pack a lot of benefit into a short amount of time. They may have beaten an all-time record: a technique that improves strength in just a few seconds a day and may be the easiest way to avoid the ravages of aging.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Stress: What it does to your DNA to speed aging

Science has discovered how to go beyond chronological age (the number of years you’ve lived) to measure biological age (the rate at which your cells age) using epigenetic clocks. They track chemical changes in DNA that not only helps predict health but also lifespan. And they’re finding too many of us aging faster thanks to the same culprit…