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Healthy Aging

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Dr. Michael Cutler

How sex hormones slow biological aging

While you can’t change your chronological age, it is now proven that your biological age is influenced by your testosterone and estradiol levels. That’s according to newer studies which measure correlations between these hormone levels and chromosomal telomeres. First let me explain about telomeres and their important relationship to biological age…

Jenny Smiechowski

Why the secret to ‘exceptional longevity’ isn’t diet or exercise

Exceptional longevity means living past 85, something my grandmas and great-grandmas achieved. Clearly, there might be something genetic happening here. But even if your family line isn’t filled with examples like these, research shows the secret to longevity may be in your mind more than your genes, diet or workout…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

A tickle in your ear could help you age better

Your autonomic nervous system controls many of the bodily functions that you don’t even have to think about. But, as you age, that balance begins to tip to your sympathetic nervous system. This imbalance makes you more susceptible to the unhealthier side of aging. But there’s a novel way to get balanced…

Dr. Michael Cutler

Stem cell science available at your doctor’s office

Stem cell therapy has moved from the laboratory to your doctor’s office. You may be pleasantly surprised at how stem cells — from your own body — can transform, improve and remedy problems in just about any part of your body. Here’s more on stem cell therapies and the real-world applications available to you…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Microneedling may be the best treatment for acne scars

One of my longtime friends is absolutely gorgeous but never thought so herself. That’s because despite all of her natural beauty, she had acne scarring from the time she was in her teens. And, every single time she looked in a mirror, those scars were all she could see.

Dr. Michael Cutler

Using your own fat for plumper cheeks, lips and more

Many women are taking advantage of dermal fillers to fight the effects of gravity. Most of the time, these cosmetic procedures go off without a hitch… but occasionally one of the top listed risks is an allergic reaction at the injection site that can affect the whole body. But when you use your own fat…


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The best exercise to keep an aging body strong

More people over 60 are hitting the weights and skipping the cardio machines. The reason being that muscle strength declines with age. But is it the best exercise for them? Here’s the definitive answer on whether strength training or endurance exercise is best to prevent age-related decline…

Easy Health Options Staff

5 ways melatonin fights aging (besides better sleep)

Melatonin is an insomniac’s dream. But there are even more great reasons to supplement with melatonin: It just may be the single most powerful anti-aging supplement you can take.

Joyce Hollman

Why sleep’s elusive in your 60s and how to get it back

I’m in that age group where falling asleep and staying asleep tends to get harder by the year. But, contrary to what many people think, insomnia is not a normal part of aging that we just need to accept. True, sleep problems are more likely. But you don’t have to take them … well, lying down.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why weight problems before 50 spell bigger problems after 50

Many of us struggle with our weight. Forget body shaming… my point is all about living a healthier life now and in the future — with an emphasis on the future. That’s because if you’re overweight under the age of 50, and don’t lose it as you age, losing your independence is a big risk factor…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The surest way to have a stroke by 50

What are some of the risk factors you think of when you hear the word stroke? An unhealthy diet, being overweight, not exercising, smoking and maybe even stress. And age, right? Stroke is something you think of happening when you’re closer to 65 or older. Think again…

Margaret Cantwell

How to discover your body’s true age and dial it back

Age is one of the most accurate risk factors for death. An 80-year-old has a much higher risk of dying than a 30-year-old. We all know that. It’s just the way nature works. But did you know there’s a factor that predicts longevity better than age? And if you know it, you can dial it back…