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Joyce Hollman

Nighttime heat: The stroke risk we didn’t know about

It can be hard to get the bedroom temperature just right, especially during warmer months. But being too hot when you sleep is more than just uncomfortable. New research shows nighttime heat is a significant stroke risk we knew little about…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The least number of steps to lower heart disease risk

Wallking is great exercise with big benefits. Luckily, research is showing that while getting close to 10,000 steps a day might be an admirable goal, it takes far fewer steps to tip the scales in favor of a healthy heart and longevity…

Joyce Hollman

The common denominator between osteoporosis and short telomeres

Research has found a direct connection between the way our chromosomes age and the development of osteoporosis. By tackling a common denominator, not only can we age slower and healthier, but support long telomeres for longer life…

Carolyn Gretton

The surprising deficiency that could raise diabetes risk

If you find yourself perpetually shortchanged on sleep, it can do a lot worse than make you cranky and foggy. it can raise your risk of heart disease and diabetes, And if you’re a woman who has trouble sleeping, research shows you could be at greater risk for poor cardiometabolic health…

Joyce Hollman

Flexibility may be the easiest flex for a longer life

At 68 I can still touch my toes. That kind of flexibility not only helps me feel younger, there’s proof it lowers blood pressure. And since my goal is to live to 100, like my mom, research shows I’m on the right track. Here’s why flexibilty is linked to multiple benefits, including longevity…

Carolyn Gretton

Rocket fuel: The toxic danger lurking in our food

A dangerous chemical found in rocket fuel has gone from infiltrating our water sources to the foods we eat. Some of us are especially vulnerable to this forever chemical, which disrupts hormone production, metabolism, thyroid function and causes brain damage…


Carolyn Gretton

Keto’s gut changes that raise your stroke risk

To keto or not to keto? If you’re looking to lose weight and control inflammation, the keto diet can help. But there are risks to this diet as well — including its negative impact on your gut, cholesterol levels and ability to process carbs which is a setup for diabetes and stroke…

Joyce Hollman

Conquer inflammation to live longer with vim, vigor and health

Inflammation is central to a unifying theory of disease. So it’s no surprise it’s behind unhealthy aging, decrepitude and shorter lifespan. What if a treatment could cool it at the cellular level? Science say it could extend years of healthy life, that’s what.

Carolyn Gretton

The spa secret that prevents menopause-related weight gain

Visiting a spa may seem like an indulgence. But evidence is piling up that one common spa practice may kick-start metabolism for less weight gain and increase insulin sensitivity to stave off type 2 diabetes, especially if you’re a post-menopausal woman…

Joyce Hollman

Sweet news about safer treatments for hair loss

Almost all men and women will notice hair loss or hair thinning as they age. But genetics and hormones play a part too. Current topical hair loss treatments work but side effects like decreased libdo, weight gain and tachycardia leave us looking for safer options. We may have found one…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Cortisol: The forgotten blood sugar trigger

Stress causes a boatload of problems no matter who you are. And these days it seems there’s so much more triggering stress. But if you have diabetes, you should know that stress is an often-forgotten trigger that can send your blood sugar levels through the roof as well…

Joyce Hollman

Low back pain? Walking it off really works

It may seem counterintuitive, but if you’ve got low back pain and you’re not walking, you’re missing out on a simple, free and proven-effective way to reduce your level of pain, enjoy more pain-free days and keep pain from interfering in your daily life…