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Weight Loss

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Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Try this weight-reducing fat trick to survive holiday eating

From Thanksgiving with its turkey, dressing and rich pies, to Christmas and endless cookies and cakes, I tend to eat my way through the holiday season. And then, come New Year’s, I’m looking at a long list of resolutions topped with “START DIET TODAY!” But not this year! Here’s why…

Jenny Smiechowski

The bedtime snack that boosts your metabolism

Let’s face it… we all have those nights where bedtime’s closing in and we’re starving. But even though before bed snacking has gotten a bad rap, not all bedtime snacks are bad for you. One in particular may do the opposite of what you’ve been told — it may boost your metabolism and more!

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Do this one thing every morning to lose the weight and keep it off

Seriously, just one thing. And the folks who did this one thing, without being encouraged to diet, exercise or do anything that differed from their normal, daily habits, lost weight and kept it off. So if you want to finally be able to see changes on the scale with extreme effort, try it, too…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Two factors that raise a woman’s fall risk

Every 19 minutes someone over 65 dies from a fall, making falls the leading cause of death in this age group. But, what puts you at risk? And why are you more likely to fall as you age? Well, according to new research it goes beyond balance — especially for women….

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How to reset your hunger hormone for easier weight loss

Have you ever wondered why it’s so easy to gain weight but so hard to lose it? Why, no matter how many times you tell yourself that you won’t reach for that bedtime snack, you do it anyway. The answer lies with one particular hormone. When it malfunctions your willpower goes out the window…

Joyce Hollman

How to lose 5.5 pounds just by standing up

It will come as no surprise that a sedentary lifestyle is bad for you. But it might very well surprise you to hear that the simple act of standing can cause you to burn calories and shed unwanted pounds, lowering your risk for these diseases. Here’s how it works…


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Diet, exercise or both: How much can you expect to lose?

If you’ve struggled with your weight, you likely have also struggled with how to lose it. After all, diet advice is so plentiful, embarking on a good plan isn’t as easy as it seems. Do you have to diet? Is exercise alone enough? And, how much can you reasonably expect to lose?

Jenny Smiechowski

How to amplify your weight loss by watching it fall off

Do you ever close your eyes and imagine something you really want to achieve? If weight loss is your dream, there’s one technique that can really supersize your results. In fact, a recent study shows it can help you lose five times as much weight…

Joyce Hollman

28 ways to drop the weight that leads to 13 cancers

How is it possible that most of us aren’t aware of the obesity-cancer connection? Let’s set the record straight: Carrying too much weight can be deadly. In fact, in the next 25 years, more cancers will be attributed to weight than smoking. Think about that…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How sleep debt can destroy your metabolism

A bad night of sleep can throw your whole day off, but that’s not all… After a single night without the proper amount of rest, the metabolism in your fat cells are already in trouble — leaving you unable to burn fat and beginning to store it instead…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How to time your meals for double the weight loss

Most of us eat from the time we wake up to the time we go to bed. Three meals (and snacks), same time, day in and day out. What if that routine (not necessarily the food) is what’s keeping the weight on? What if the key to getting in shape is just changing when you eat?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The #1 way to reverse type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is most likely to strike after you’ve succumbed to the middle-age spread. But a new scientific study has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt how to reverse it. But there’s a catch: Your timing has to be right to completely reverse it and be diabetes free for life…