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Weight Loss

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Dr. Brad Cutler

4 steps to curb cravings

Surveys estimate that almost 100 percent of women and nearly 70 percent of men had food cravings during the past year. Most of us experience food cravings on a regular basis. But what causes them?

Easy Health Options Staff

Drop belly fat fast to keep it off for good

The “experts” in the media have repeated for years that the best way to lose excess fat is to take it off slowly and steadily. A recent study shows that advice to be backwards.

Dr. Mark Wiley

Break the chains of emotional eating

Are you hungry when you eat? Or do you eat out of habit… or worse, out of sadness or boredom? That’s emotional eating and it’s a trap that makes differentiating real physical hunger from emotional cravings difficult.

Debra Atkinson

5 things that train your body to burn more fat

If you could burn more fat every day by simply changing the order and timing of things you’re likely doing already, would you? I thought so. Here’s how it works…

Margaret Cantwell

Sensible weight-loss tips that won’t starve you

Most diets can be a real headache. Too many rules about what to eat and portion sizes are enough to drive you over the edge. Stress and hunger set in and you’re ready to give up. If that’s your experience, you’re following the wrong one. Here are a few simple tips that can…

Jenny Smiechowski

Recruit your body’s cancer-fighters to fight fat

From an evolutionary perspective, dramatic weight loss was bad for survival. So now, when you gain a few pounds, your body clings to them like your life depends on it, because it once did.


Dr. Mark Wiley

Living like a Victorian can make you fitter, slimmer and disease-free

If you think that food quality is not a vital part of optimal health, think again. And if you think because we live in a modern world with grand advancements in science and technology, that we are healthier and live longer than those in centuries past, you would be wrong.

Dr. Michael Cutler

Hormone imbalance has a profound effect on your weight

Unbalanced or poorly functioning hormones are an often overlooked cause of unwanted weight gain. The hormones involved include cortisol, thyroid, DHEA, aldosterone, growth hormone, progesterone, testosterone, and estrogen.

Dr. Mark Wiley

The food trap that keeps you dieting — and failing

Eating disorders come in different guises. Many don’t realize they have one — yet a quick review of the numbers on obesity, diabetes and heart disease shows quite a different story.

Debra Atkinson

A dozen diet bloopers that sabotage exercise

I’m frequently asked about the best exercises to burn fat, or retrieve a body part from the grasp of gravity. The truth is, one thing can make those exercises I suggest work even better…

Easy Health Options Staff

The 30-minute effortless weight loss plan

A hectic, modern lifestyle is custom-made for making it hard to keep off extra pounds. The constant stress of modern life messes with your hormones and natural rhythms, making it very difficult for your metabolism to fire up and shed excess fat. But there may be a way to make weight-loss easier.

Dr. Brad Cutler

5 basics for a trouble-free gut

Gut trouble is a complaint physicians hear often. But few take the time to zero-in on the cause. Here’s how you can have the food experience you deserve — one that helps you feel full, satisfied and leaves you energized.