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Weight Loss

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Carolyn Gretton

The ‘weight optional’ diet that lowers cholesterol and blood sugar

Your doctor says you’ve got to lower your cholesterol and blood sugar. Of course, he also says to do that, you’ve got to lose weight, and you’ve found that hard. No worries. Meet the diet that gives you these benefits and more, with or without the weight loss…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why cutting calories could cut your colon cancer risk

While we used to think of colon cancer as a concern for those middle-aged and older, more people are being diagnosed under the age of 50. And while plenty of research speculates as to why that is, the best is finding ways to keep it from happening to you…

Jenny Smiechowski

Perfect pill melts fat, fights disease and keeps your body young

There’s an all-natural “pill” shown to help you lose weight. Sure, diet and exercise can help. But why not give yourself a break and take this pill every day? You’ll drop pounds and end up not only with a healthier body weight but a better gut, bones, skin and more!

Joyce Hollman

8 tips that take the stress out of eating for weight loss and wellness

If you still think being mindful about your eating habits has something to do with meditation, you’d not only be wrong, you’d be missing out. Here are 8 ways to simplify eating better, losing weight if you want and avoiding disease to live healthier…

Joyce Hollman

Chronic pain: How the Keto diet can help

A ketogenic diet is a diet that’s very low in carbohydrates. Most people go on a ketogenic diet to lose weight. But research has established other benefits of the diet, including the potential to relieve pain. The reason may surprise you…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Researchers weigh in on how to blast belly fat this Spring

Is one of your resolutions to lose some serious weight this year? But, will hitting the gym give you the results you want? And how much can you expect to lose and how long will it take? Researchers at the University of Copenhagen have all of these answers…


Joyce Hollman

Do negative calorie foods exist?

A lot of diet “hacks” are touting the value of “negative-calorie” foods as an easy way to boost weight loss. But can eating more of them really help on the scales or are you punishing yourself? Here’s the skinny on negative calories…

Joyce Hollman

Chew slow and savor to burn calories

Diet-induced thermogenesis refers to the increase in metabolic rate that follows the ingestion of food. Turns out you can kick it up to enhance the energy expenditure associated with the metabolism of the food you eat. In other words, you can burn energy while you eat. Does it get any better?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Understanding brown fat and its weight-loss advantage

At any given time in the United States, nearly half of us are trying to lose weight. And though the young and older among us are at it too, middle-aged adults edge out others as those persistently trying to lose a few pounds. Is it because during middle age it’s harder? Not if you take this weight loss advantage…

Dr. Mark Wiley

The tea that helps you drop pounds, cholesterol points and blood sugar levels

Pu-erh is in a category of its own because of its special post-fermentation process. It makes pu-erh at once unique in flavor but different in its chemical composition, thus lending itself to delivering potent healing properties documented in numerous published clinical studies. I think it’s tea time…

Carolyn Gretton

The surprising hormone that helps burn belly fat

Most people consider ghrelin, the hormone that produces those hunger pangs, an enemy of their weight-loss efforts. But that’s not really the case. In fact, researchers are discovering that ghrelin may be our biggest ally in losing a particularly stubborn form of fat. Here’s how to boost its fat-burning potential…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Could you lose just 15 percent to reverse diabetes?

Type 2 diabetes is serious enough on its own, but long-term can lead to heart disease, kidney disease, vision loss, even Alzheimer’s. Doctors will suggest weight loss to their patients, but researchers have evidence weight loss should become THE central focus — that is if you want to not only reduce complications — but reverse it.