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Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Just how inconvenient are convenience foods on your heart health?

I don’t know about you, but Christmas is almost here and I’m still recovering from Thanksgiving. And, it’s not just the hours spent cleaning and decorating to prepare for company – only to clean again once the fun was over and everyone went home that has left me dragging – but the food, oh the food!

Dr. Michael Cutler

7 more reasons you need cacao in your life

Wow, the response to my post last week on cacao, the superfood to beat statins, was amazing! But I’m not really surprised… Now that you know what cacao can do for cholesterol, let me share other benefits that will have you adding cacao to your coffee like I did this morning…

Dr. Michael Cutler

Cacao: The superfood to beat statins

Cacao is a superfood that has 40 times the antioxidants of blueberries. But I decided to look further into cacao’s health benefits and was even more impressed by how they challenge statins…

Joyce Hollman

10 healthy comfort foods to keep the winter blues away

It’s hard to imagine anyone getting a case of the winter blues with all the holiday hustling and bustling happening, but seasonal affective disorder is estimated to affect as many as 10 million Americans. If the cold grey days get to you, try these comfort foods with nutrients that can combat the winter blues in a very real way.

Joyce Hollman

How statins can triple your risk of diabetes

Doctors prescribe statins to control cholesterol levels and protect the heart. Ironically, these very same statins could make it more likely that diabetes could develop, which weakens blood vessels, which can make you a target for heart disease. And round and round it goes…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The green fruit that overcomes obesity and diabetes

Because obesity is a factor in so many health conditions, including diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer, it’s estimated that the extra weight Americans carry is responsible for one in five deaths. But a compound found in a certain green fruit could help not only kick obesity to the curb but diabetes with it!


Jenny Smiechowski

Why sneaky trans fat could steal your memory

You’ve probably heard that trans fat is the unhealthiest kind of fat you can eat. It increases your risk of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes. In fact, they’re so bad they were banned… but you’ll be surprised to learn you may still be eating them and they could increase dementia risk by 50 percent…

Jenny Smiechowski

Why you should follow your gut and drink more coffee

For a long time, healthy living and coffee drinking were at odds. But by and large, the perspective on coffee and health has changed a lot in the past 20 years. Why? Because science keeps proving that coffee is good for you. Case in point: A recent study shows coffee brews better gut bacteria…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Tea is the tops for a well-working brain and now we know why

There’s been a lot of talk over the last decade about so-called superfoods that have the power to ward off disease, slow aging, and help you stay healthier and more active longer. But one of the really super ones is a drink — tea. And now we know more about its amazing effects on the brain…

Craig Cooper

Best vegetables (and fruits) to protect your heart

It’s no secret that vegetables are good for your health… but exactly which are the best vegetables for your heart health — and why are they so beneficial? No worries… here are some rules to follow when cruising the grocery aisles.

Joyce Hollman

A glass of wine could help keep that sore throat away

As winter comes on, there’s good news for those of us who enjoy the occasional glass of wine, or even a nightly drink before dinner. Apparently, wine contains powerful antibacterial agents that could keep you clear of a sore throat and maybe even improve the results of your next dental visit…

Amanda Luft

The complicated connection between dairy and prostate cancer

Dairy marketing has long convinced many of us that drinking a lot of milk is the express lane to strong bones. We’ve told that “milk does a body good.” Turns out, that may not only be false, but a downright dangerous statement that’s luring thousands of men to their early deaths.