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Carolyn Gretton

The link between grapes, your skin and the sun

You may have heard the phrase “Let thy food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” This holds for many health conditions, like heart disease and diabetes. But few of us realize this wise adage applies to protecting the skin from UV damage too…

Carolyn Gretton

Cannabis: A new breakthrough in anti-aging skincare

CBD products are growing in popularity. You can find tinctures, gummies and even topicals made from phytocannabinoids (pCBs). Topicals are non-intoxicating and include creams, balms and oils. One more thing you may want to know: they may be the next thing in anti-aging skincare…

Jenny Smiechowski

The superstar antioxidant that stops osteoarthritis in its tracks

Osteoarthritis is a pain in the butt, or more accurately, the knee, hip, hand, neck or back. The loss of cartilage in these areas leads to painful bone rubbing that can prevent you from doing all sorts of everyday activities. Unfortunately, doctors can’t help much, but there is a promising antioxidant that not only relieves the pain but could stop osteoarthritis from progressing…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Hyaluronic acid: From firming skin to fighting age-related muscle loss

Muscle loss begins to really affect us around the age of 40 and ramps up with each year. But who knew scientists would find a connection between the same anti-aging ingredient we reach for to keep our skin firm and the process of age-related muscle loss?

Carolyn Gretton

2 key biological elements of aging in humans reversed in scientific first

Until someone finds a “fountain of youth,” aging will continue to take a toll on all of us. There are ways to slow the aging process through diet and exercise, but no way to reverse it — until now. For the first time, and in humans — not mice, researchers were able to reverse two key biological elements of aging…

Jenny Smiechowski

What your itchy skin indicates about your gut

You’ve heard of the gut-brain axis. Well, research shows there’s a gut-skin axis too. That means your gut is constantly communicating with your gut, and your gut is constantly communicating with your skin. In fact, a new study shows exactly why people with skin problems are more likely to have gut problems and vice versa…


Carolyn Gretton

Brisk walking, telomeres and how 60 may be the new 45

Walking is one of the healthiest habits to fall into. But when you pick up the pace, something amazing happens to your telomeres, little DNA caps that work like harbingers of aging: brisk walking walks back your biological age…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How not to wash away your skin’s natural barrier and cancer protection

According to research, the way most of us shower could increase our risks for eczema and even skin cancer. Here’s what you need to know about getting clean, plus the only three areas you should soap in the shower…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

6 habits that age you, kick them to keep your age a secret

We all want to look younger. Yet, little things you do each day could be aging you beyond your years… That’s why we’re counting down six seemingly harmless habits that can leave your face looking like a road map. If you’re doing any of these, stop now to keep your age a secret…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

How you can use ‘vitamin F’ to slow premature aging

Although skincare experts have coined the term, vitamin F is not a real vitamin. In fact, the F simply stands for fat. Specifically, vitamin F is two types of fatty acids – linoleic acid (an Omega-6) and alpha-linolenic acid (an Omega-3). These acids are now the hottest trend in skincare. And here’s why…

Dr. Michael Cutler

What to expect during a dermal filler procedure

Inevitably, with age, comes a loss of fullness and support in the face. Certain areas may appear to sag while others may look hollow. Dermal fillers can help “replace” that loss to help cheekbones look high and sculpted as well as make other face and even body shape changes that can be quite profound. 

Jenny Smiechowski

Meet the superbugs living in your makeup bag

I have a bad habit. It puts my health at risk daily. But I can’t (or don’t want to) quit it. I’ve been doing it since I was a teenager, after all. Despite what you may be thinking, it’s nothing too crazy. It’s not smoking, drinking, doing drugs or even eating donuts. It’s wearing makeup.