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Healthy Aging

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Holly Klamer

8 reasons every senior should have a pet

Pets provide a form of unconditional love and support that can be incredibly beneficial to seniors, particularly seniors who aren’t able to socialize as much as they’d like. That’s because the bond between a human and pet can be incredibly healthy…

Jenny Smiechowski

How a common gum infection and a vitamin deficiency adds up to diabetes

People with periodontitis, a common gum infection, face a diabetes risk that’s “greater than the sum of the individual effects” if they also have a certain vitamin deficiency. In other words, two conditions worked together to fan the flames of type 2 diabetes risk more than anyone could imagine…

Joyce Hollman

What seniors need to know about rose hips

Fall is the time to leave peaches and melons behind, and start enjoying those crisp, juicy apples. But did you know there’s a tiny ‘cousin’ to the apple that you can harvest at the end of summer? It has more vitamin C than an orange and that’s just the start of its benefits…

Joyce Hollman

What do Parkinson’s, diabetes and heart disease have in common?

Here’s a surprise for you: At least three studies have shown very clearly that there’s an intimate link between the symptoms of metabolic syndrome and a disease we’ve always thought to be neurologically based. What does it have to do with heart disease and diabetes? A lot…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The happiness secret to living longer

We would probably all like to live to a healthy ripe old age. Yet, even though most of us are taking more control of our health than ever before, there’s one thing that we’ve been missing… and it has a huge impact on how long you live. Here are 5 ways to get it…

Jenny Smiechowski

6 food rules proven to slow cellular aging

These tips were shown to impact a key component that could turn off premature aging much quicker than creams. But it’s about more than how you look. You can protect yourself from age-related diseases, like heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some cancers…


Joyce Hollman

3 dried fruits that fight cancer, constipation and old age

Terrific snacks on their own, these dried fruits can be added to salads, baked goods, yogurt and any number of cooked dishes. And after you see how much they can impact your health, you won’t have an excuse not to incorporate them into your daily diet!

Margaret Cantwell

How feeling young can ‘put the brakes’ on aging

You know the saying, “You’re only as young as you feel?” There’s a lot more truth to that saying than you may think… and science is proving it. So, take an inventory of the activities, people, interests and hobbies that make you feel happy and alive, because people who feel younger age better. Believe what you want to believe. But be warned… there’s proof it might affect how you age.

Margaret Cantwell

5 medicines that can increase your fall risk

When you fall, your brain has a hard time wrapping itself around what your body is doing. In that moment, all your faculties are in an utter state of confusion. Until you find yourself on the floor, hopefully uninjured. But for many, a fall can be deadly…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The super-energizing enzyme duo that fights fatigue and more

Aging comes with an ever-growing list of issues you have to deal with from increased fatigue to a lack of strength and stamina. And, let’s not forget the higher likelihood of chronic diseases. So, what do all of those things have in common? According to scientists, a dysfunction in the powerhouses of your cells.

Joyce Hollman

Over 65? Think twice about taking sleeping pills

As many as one in ten adults suffers with chronic insomnia. Right along with good nutrition, hydration and physical activity, a good night’s sleep is one of our essential health needs. So, many are turning to sleeping pills, but the consequences can be dire, especially if you’re older…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Nootropics: How to supplement smarter to age better

There’s a new buzz word you may be hearing, and it refers to “smart pills” that are all the rage right now, being used by everybody and anybody who wants that extra edge to perform better and stay sharper. And guess what? There’s no reason you shouldn’t benefit too…