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Healthy Aging

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Margaret Cantwell

How feeling young can ‘put the brakes’ on aging

You know the saying, “You’re only as young as you feel?” There’s a lot more truth to that saying than you may think… and science is proving it. So, take an inventory of the activities, people, interests and hobbies that make you feel happy and alive, because people who feel younger age better. Believe what you want to believe. But be warned… there’s proof it might affect how you age.

Margaret Cantwell

5 medicines that can increase your fall risk

When you fall, your brain has a hard time wrapping itself around what your body is doing. In that moment, all your faculties are in an utter state of confusion. Until you find yourself on the floor, hopefully uninjured. But for many, a fall can be deadly…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The super-energizing enzyme duo that fights fatigue and more

Aging comes with an ever-growing list of issues you have to deal with from increased fatigue to a lack of strength and stamina. And, let’s not forget the higher likelihood of chronic diseases. So, what do all of those things have in common? According to scientists, a dysfunction in the powerhouses of your cells.

Joyce Hollman

Over 65? Think twice about taking sleeping pills

As many as one in ten adults suffers with chronic insomnia. Right along with good nutrition, hydration and physical activity, a good night’s sleep is one of our essential health needs. So, many are turning to sleeping pills, but the consequences can be dire, especially if you’re older…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Nootropics: How to supplement smarter to age better

There’s a new buzz word you may be hearing, and it refers to “smart pills” that are all the rage right now, being used by everybody and anybody who wants that extra edge to perform better and stay sharper. And guess what? There’s no reason you shouldn’t benefit too…

Margaret Cantwell

7 ways to beat stiffness and thrive

No one ever died from morning stiffness, at least not quickly. But losing mobility is one of the things that seniors fear most. And if you let stiffness turn you into a couch potato, stop you from moving and grooving and doing ‘life,’ now, there is where the danger lies…


Jenny Smiechowski

Try this walking hack to boost longevity by 50 percent

When you’re getting your daily walk in, do other people beat you by laps around the track or the block? No big deal, right? As long as you’re walking and getting exercise, it doesn’t matter how fast you go. Not quite. It make a huge difference…

Jenny Smiechowski

12 foods to keep your lungs strong as you age

As you get older, you have less lung capacity and your lungs become more susceptible to infections like pneumonia. That means breathing’s not always easy in your older years, especially with the threat of flu — or coronavirus, now that we know it will be part of our regular “flu season.” There’s a simple step you can take to make sure your lungs stay young…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Supplement combo could reverse your biological age

Does the date on your birth certificate really have so much influence on your health? Or, is there something you can do today that could reverse your biological age… and help you live healthier longer? That answer is leaning strongly towards yes.

Jenny Smiechowski

The one anti-aging trick proven to work

You can pile on all the anti-aging creams and serums, but if you’re filling your body with foods that speed up the biological aging process, it’s going to show. And it’s not just what, but how much you eat. More and more studies show the secret to eternal youth is…

Joyce Hollman

5 Japanese secrets for a long, disease-free life

In Japan, living to 80 is no big deal. But there’s an island off the country’s coast where islanders live even longer. And, they’re three times more likely to reach 100 than their North American counterparts, with much less risk of cardio disease, breast or prostate cancer or dementia…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The key to staying flexible, energetic and happy found in one fun activity

I don’t consider myself old but I’m not a spring chicken either. My back has gotten stiffer, my shoulders have gotten rounder and my toes seem further away than ever before. If you’re in the same boat, here’s one FUN way to improve all of these problems and more…