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Healthy Aging

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Jenny Smiechowski

Give up this one food to stay younger longer (it’s not sugar)

If you’re eating the wrong foods, it’s not only making you feel old, it’s stealing precious years from your life. But you may be surprised to learn that one food in particular appears to have a huge impact on premature aging…

Jenny Smiechowski

The vitamin that slows aging from the inside

It’s hard not to notice the outward signs of aging. When you look in the mirror, you can clearly see a new line, wrinkle or age spot. But do you ever think about what’s really happening on the inside?

Jenny Smiechowski

Younger skin is only a pill away

If you’d like to look as young as you feel — maybe even younger — there’s something you can do that’s much cheaper, easier and less dangerous than Botox. You can pop a pill — and not a prescription pill.

Craig Cooper

How omega-3 fatty acids help fight signs of aging

Researchers set out to see how omega-3 fatty acid supplements impacted metabolic changes associated with aging. If burning fat or increasing lean muscle mass is something you need a little help with, they found this is the supplement you need…

Easy Health Options Staff

Wrinkle miracles won’t work if you eat this skin-sagging food

The cosmeceutical industry has seen a boon in start-up companies producing and selling these collagen products. And for the first time, they may be peddling a product that really works as many studies back up their claims…

Dr. Isaac Eliaz

The antioxidant diet: foods and supplements that fit the bill

Antioxidants fight against the oxidative process that age the body. Otherwise, caustic substances called free radicals attack the body and wear out its organs. So unless you want to get old before your time, you need to know how to use antioxidants to keep the forces of time in check.


Dr. Michael Cutler

Rejuvenating hormone reason seniors are thriving at 100?

One town is home to 300 people all over the age of 100. And for the most part, they’re free of heart disease and Alzheimer’s disease. How are they living so long — and in such apparent good health? The secret is…

Dr. Michael Cutler

Vitamin A and the “latest and greatest” in skin healing

In my previous article I described the healing properties of vitamin A on eyes and skin. I’ll share what I learned while digging deeper into the subject of cosmeceuticals, including the topical vitamin A ingredients.

Jenny Smiechowski

The trick to muscles that keep you going and going

Can you imagine competing in track and field championships in your 80s and 90s? If you answered no, I’m here to tell you that people do it. You don’t have to — but you may want to share their strength and stamina…

Easy Health Options Staff

M.D.s are flip-flopping over long-used hormone therapies

Custom-compounded bio-identical hormone therapy has been widely used and popular among doctors who practice endocrinology — the treatment of diseases related to hormones. That is, until now…

Dr. Isaac Eliaz

Keep your DNA from shortening your life

Studies show that the DNA in the mitochondria is especially vulnerable. Your inherent DNA repair mechanisms may not be adequate to the task of dealing with constant insults from free radical-oxidative stress exposures. Fortunately, your body can generate antioxidants to correct that imbalance…

Easy Health Options Staff

This simple balance ‘fix’ could deliver a long disease-free life

The Japanese are doing something very right. They are living longer and healthier — and there’s no reason the rest of us can’t live just as well. All you have to do is balance the way you eat…