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Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The lifesaving truth about exercise after 60, heart disease and stroke

By 2050, two billion people worldwide will be over the age of 60. That’s a lot of people who will be at risk for potentially deadly health conditions — including heart disease and stroke. How can you grab the highest levels of protection once you pass the 60 mark? 1.1 million people prove it’s this way…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What your walking pace says about your brain, body and how fast you age

Step into any store, park, mall, or gym and you’ll see immediately that some people walk more slowly while others speed past. And, while you may think that how fast you walk is simply a matter of preference, a new 40 year study by researchers at Duke University says that you should think again.

Jenny Smiechowski

The hard-to-swallow truth about hardcore HIIT workouts

You know what I like most about high-intensity interval training? It packs a serious punch in a short period of time. You can do a 20 to 30 minute session and feel like you got a good workout in for the day. But is the pain worth the gain? Will pushing yourself to the max pay off more in the end?

Joyce Hollman

How statins can triple your risk of diabetes

Doctors prescribe statins to control cholesterol levels and protect the heart. Ironically, these very same statins could make it more likely that diabetes could develop, which weakens blood vessels, which can make you a target for heart disease. And round and round it goes…

Jenny Smiechowski

Why you should run for your life — literally

So many people love running. And there are a lot of solid reasons to. Runners get that release of feel-good brain chemicals known as a runner’s high. They can load up on carbs because they’re burning crazy amounts of calories. But there’s one more thing you may be missing out on if you’re not running…

Joyce Hollman

The exercise found to beat the obesity gene

For those of us who put the pounds on easily and can’t seem to get them off again, here’s some news: It appears some of us actually have an “obesity gene.” This may sound like very bad news, when in fact, it’s not as bad as it sounds. That’s because research found an exercise more powerful than your genes.


Joyce Hollman

How to get (and stay) in shape after 50 without hurting yourself

As we get older, exercise becomes even more important than it was in our 20s and 30s. The tough part is that our bodies won’t, or shouldn’t, do the same things they did decades ago. We have to be more selective about the type of exercise we engage in.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How to burn double the fat and control blood sugar

We all know that if we want to lose weight, slim down, and tone up, we have to do two things – watch what we eat and exercise. Yet too often, even when we stick to those two principles, it can be difficult to truly see much difference in a short amount of time.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Is it ever too late to benefit from exercise?

There’s no shortage of excuses to put off exercise till you realize you might have needed it. But is there really any reason to get started later in life? Or is it just plain too late, and have the benefits you would have gotten (like muscle strength) from exercise passed you by? The answer is surprising…

Jenny Smiechowski

Why you should never use mouthwash after exercise

Exercising is one of the best ways to lower your blood pressure. In fact, getting more exercise can lower your systolic blood pressure as much as some medications. That’s empowering. But before you rest all your hopes of taming your blood pressure on your exercise regimen, you need to know…

Jenny Smiechowski

Why you don’t need crazy exercise classes to live longer

You want to get in shape. So, you go to a boot camp exercise class in a nearby strip mall gym, and it kicks your butt. Sure, challenging exercise has its place. But people who struggle with moderate or intense exercise, shouldn’t get discouraged. Low-key exercise can pay off big time too…

Joyce Hollman

For ‘mature’ folks, this could be the king of all workouts

Kickboxing is a form of martial arts that combines karate with boxing. But don’t be fooled into thinking that you’re too old to engage in such a strenuous activity. For older adults, the benefits in terms of weight loss, stress relief, better balance and improved concentration are hard to beat!