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Healthy Aging

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Margaret Cantwell

Compassion meditation: How to slow aging and stress less

It feels like there’s not enough compassion in the world nowadays… People, whether family or strangers, are more likely to jump to judgment than kindness. But there is one big benefit of cultivating compassion… one that would inspire even the most selfish among us to give it a try…

Joyce Hollman

6 housing options for aging loved ones that need more care

If you have a senior in life that needs special care, the options may seem overwhelming. Which type of care is best and most appropriate to my senior spouse or parent’s needs? How do I even begin to choose? If you’re facing this decision, or feel you will be soon, here are six possible options…

Joyce Hollman

Why friendship is as important as diet and exercise

On the Japanese island of Okinawa, it’s quite common for people to live to be 100 or more. Okinawa is a Blue Zone — a place known for longevity where science has identified the reasons. And Okinawans know that, besides diet, friendship is the thing that will make for a long, healthy life…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The lifesaving truth about exercise after 60, heart disease and stroke

By 2050, two billion people worldwide will be over the age of 60. That’s a lot of people who will be at risk for potentially deadly health conditions — including heart disease and stroke. How can you grab the highest levels of protection once you pass the 60 mark? 1.1 million people prove it’s this way…

Dr. Michael Cutler

What to expect during a dermal filler procedure

Inevitably, with age, comes a loss of fullness and support in the face. Certain areas may appear to sag while others may look hollow. Dermal fillers can help “replace” that loss to help cheekbones look high and sculpted as well as make other face and even body shape changes that can be quite profound. 

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How to use white noise to improve your hearing

Like a lot of people, I’ve noticed that as I’ve gotten older, my hearing isn’t quite as good as it used to be. In fact, I’m pretty sure that I drive my husband crazy by constantly saying, “What?” and “Can you please talk louder. I can’t hear you!” But I’ve found a little trick to avoid embarrassing moments like these…


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What your walking pace says about your brain, body and how fast you age

Step into any store, park, mall, or gym and you’ll see immediately that some people walk more slowly while others speed past. And, while you may think that how fast you walk is simply a matter of preference, a new 40 year study by researchers at Duke University says that you should think again.

Joyce Hollman

Feeling older ages your body and your brain faster

Subjective age is the term used for that number you give when someone asks, “How old do you feel?” How do you answer? It matters because it’s that sort of thinking that can not only prevent physical disabilities and ailments but can even protect against future dementia and Alzheimer’s…

Jenny Smiechowski

Why exercise is the best answer if you’re older and out of shape

Getting back in shape after you’ve let your physical fitness slide for years (or decades) isn’t easy. But if you can break through the wall of negative thoughts and get your butt moving, you’ll find some pretty amazing benefits waiting for you. And the older and more out of shape you are, the better these benefits are.

Jenny Smiechowski

Why sneaky trans fat could steal your memory

You’ve probably heard that trans fat is the unhealthiest kind of fat you can eat. It increases your risk of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes. In fact, they’re so bad they were banned… but you’ll be surprised to learn you may still be eating them and they could increase dementia risk by 50 percent…

Joyce Hollman

9 changes that can sneak up on you in your 50s

Once you turn 50, things in your body start to change. We expect some changes in appearance and abilities, but a few of these are just plain weird. If you know they’re coming, you’ll be better prepared for them. You may not be able to reverse them, but there are ways you can continue to feel like yourself and enjoy what’s to come.

Jenny Smiechowski

Is too much screen time making you age faster?

Electronics are so ingrained in our day-to-day, it’s hard to imagine life without them. But people who remember a pre-digital world, often wonder if being so plugged-in is harmful. A new study shows that the blue light from electronics may damage brain cells. But that’s not all… it could make you age faster too…