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Healthy Aging

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Jenny Smiechowski

What your sense of smell says about your lifespan

A slight decline in your senses as you get older is normal. But even though diminishing senses are a normal part of aging, there is one sense you should pay close attention to if it starts to go south — your sense of smell. For one reason, it could also be an early sign of a few serious diseases…

Margaret Cantwell

Foods that lead to premature aging and the best that beat it

In just the last few years, discoveries regarding telomeres and mitochondria have provided big clues into how to live longer healthier. But in my group of friends, I get asked about another kind of anti-aging quite often. The kind everyone wants to know how to drastically slow… The kind that shows on your face and skin.

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

4 longevity factors that fuel the real fountain of youth

People who live long well do so through small, daily acts of healthy behavior. And it’s the cumulative effect of those small acts over time that rewards them with better health. So, every time you practice just these 4 pillars, give yourself a pat on the back. You’re building your own personal fountain of youth…

Joyce Hollman

Can you eat ANY meat and expect to escape disease and early death?

Plenty of research tells us that a diet centered around fruits, vegetables and whole grains can prevent a long list of diseases, including cancer, heart disease and diabetes. But wait… can’t you indulge in the occasional burger or steak without worrying? Here’s what researchers found when people ate as little as two ounces a day…

Dr. Michael Cutler

Is a ‘thread lift’ for you?

A face-lift may not be something you would consider. The thought of going under the knife and weeks of downtime and pain is not appealing. But there are many new procedures shown to be safe and effective these days, with little to no downtime. If you’ve thought about lifting your laugh lines, let me tell you about…

Joyce Hollman

3 life hacks the Japanese use to live beyond 100 (and thrive!)

If you asked a handful of people whether they’d like to live to be 100, you’d probably get mixed answers. Some might say, “Sure, the longer the better.” But just as many would be afraid to live that long, concerned about frailty and poor health. Yet in Japan, centenarians are thriving thanks to these longevity hacks…


Jenny Smiechowski

At 47 or 87 your brain can make new cells (here’s how)

Your brain doesn’t create any new brain cells after it fully develops at age 25 or so? At least, that’s what you’ve been told most of your life. If you can’t make any more, your life is just one long descent toward cognitive decline. Well, that’s wrong and outdated.

Joyce Hollman

Why time seems to move faster as we age, and how to slow it down

Remember the endless days of childhood? It seemed like so many things happened in a day! Now, as we get older, time goes faster and faster, and we’re not happy about it. Well, it turns out there’s a scientific explanation for this phenomenon, one that might show us how to feel like we’re getting more out of each day.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

A secret for ‘controlling’ how young you can feel

Recent research is proving that the secret to feeling young is something most of us wouldn’t expect… It turns out that while how much stress they’re under and how healthy they are plays a significant role in how old younger adults feel, for the over 60 crowd, one big factor that took center stage…

Dr. Michael Cutler

Middle-aged? What you need to know about your stroke risk

Most of us were shocked recently when well-known actor Luke Perry passed away shortly after suffering a stroke at the age of 52. But this may shock you even more… Middle-aged Americans are the fastest rising age group for stroke risk.

Jenny Smiechowski

Waiting till middle age to get fit can still get you the benefits of a 20-something

We all made mistakes in our youth… But don’t get down on your younger self too much, especially if you neglected exercising because you had something better to do. There’s strong evidence that even if you lived a less-than-healthy lifestyle in your youth, you can make up for it later…

Joyce Hollman

9 vaccines older adults should consider

Everyone has an opinion on vaccinations. But a sore arm might be better than some of the diseases these vaccinations prevent. Based on your health history, the work you do and even the year you were born, here are 10 you should probably check on and consider…