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Healthy Aging

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Jenny Smiechowski

How plaque on your teeth leads to plaque on your brain

Heart disease and diabetes — three serious diseases that could kill you thanks to bacteria in your mouth. That should be enough motivation to keep up with your bi-annual dental checkups. But in case it’s not, here’s a bit more incentive…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

No matter your age, this is the key to reboot your health and slow aging

When you’re younger, your body is able to clear out damaged cells. As we get older, not so much. This creates an altered cell state associated with aging and diseases, like cancer. But research has zeroed in on one consistent compound whose function can increase both lifespan and healthspan by slowing aging…

Joyce Hollman

Does your happiness quota add up to disease or longevity?

It’s hard to feel positive when you’re feeling ill. And negative emotional states can certainly bring about physical symptoms. What may surprise you is how connected your happiness is to length of life, disease and death…

Jenny Smiechowski

The surprising way multiple medications can turn deadly

It’s easy for the number of medications you’re taking to spiral out of control. But in addition to the minor (or sometimes not so minor) side effects each medication has on its own, there’s also a major side effect of taking multiple medications you may not suspect…

Dr. Michael Cutler

What are your choices for sagging skin?

Good skincare can cut down on further damage, but to reverse the look of sagging skin, you might have to consider a cosmetic procedure. These days, that doesn’t mean a full-on face lift. In fact there are many, much less-invasive options to choose from…

Jenny Smiechowski

Get younger, healthier cells in 2 minutes

Mitochondria are the energy centers of your cells. As you get older, your mitochondria don’t work as well. They become less active. Some become defective. This causes physical aging and illness. You can change that…


Joyce Hollman

Feeling ‘young at heart’ will help you age better

This phenomenon of subjective age is nothing new to most people. What you may not know is that it can be controlled, and that this is a good thing, since it seems that it actually plays a part in determining how long, and how well, you can live…

Jenny Smiechowski

The oil that’s essential for long, healthy hair

As you get older, your hair changes. It thins. It gets more brittle. And your once Rapunzel-like locks begin growing at a snail’s pace. But, you might be glad to know that researchers have found a way to help hair follicles survive longer and stimulate hair growth….

Dr. Michael Cutler

Topical treatments for fine lines and wrinkles

Ultimately, it’s those lifestyle habits, the way you eat and how you treat your body — including your skin — that are the biggest factors to looking and feeling your best… even when it comes to fine lines and wrinkles. But the right topical treatments can go a long way to help…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

To live better longer: less weight or more muscle?

On a recent trip to the gym, I noticed most of the men were using weights while the women were focusing on aerobic activities and machines, like ellipticals. And I started wondering… In the long run, which matters most in terms of a longer, healthier life?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

An aspirin a day: Risky or worth it?

Some studies have indicated daily aspirin to help stave off cancer and possibly even dementia. That meant people without heart health problems, were suddenly “supplementing” with aspirin. When it comes to aspirin, it’s important to carefully weigh any benefits against the risks…

Jenny Smiechowski

The sleepy solution to fighting free radicals

Oxidative stress happens when too many free radicals accumulate in your body and damage your cells. There are plenty of foods and supplements that can help protect you, but what if the most powerful antioxidant is in the bedroom, not the kitchen?