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Healthy Aging

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Joyce Hollman

9 ‘no-brainer’ steps for vitality at every age

A long-term study found that 70 percent of physical aging and about 50 percent of mental aging is determined by choices we make every day. With that in mind, I’d like to offer you 9 simple choices you can make at any age to keep thriving for decades to come!

Jenny Smiechowski

2 anti-aging nutrients that double as disease fighters too

What really keeps you youthful, healthy and living the good life? It’s nothing complicated. No prescriptions, creams or expensive procedures. It’s getting the right nutrients. In fact, if you want to avoid the pitfalls of aging and disease for as long as possible, you need…

Joyce Hollman

Are you aging in the ‘right’ place? Here’s how to know

I’m looking at old age from a comfortable distance. But I’m realizing some adjustments to my home are necessary if I want to remain here independently for another decade or two. If you’re “of a certain age” and want to live in the home you love, here are some things to consider…

Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby

6 Aging myths to start ignoring right now

Believing a myth is counter-productive to slowing the signs of aging, improving your health (now and well into your future), and living the best life you can. So, let’s break down some of the most popular wrong-headed ideas so they don’t hold you back….

Joyce Hollman

When vertigo signals something more serious

When your vestibular system is damaged, you may have episodes of vertigo, a general term for a sensation of dizziness. But there are six lesser-known conditions that cause vertigo and loss of balance, along with other symptoms that can often resemble signs of stroke or brain tumors…

Craig Cooper

Why coffee is even better for you after 45

When it comes to drinking coffee, it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, per se. However, if you are among the hundreds of millions of coffee drinkers in the world, there’s significant proof that coffee is very healthy habit, but even more so if you’re on the mature side…


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Genetics or exercise: Which wins at weight loss?

While it’s perfectly normal to look at your family and wonder, “how in the world can I ever beat my genetics,” the truth is that your weight has far more to do with your daily choices than you might think. But a big part of the puzzle is your age…

Joyce Hollman

The little-known mineral that fights arthritis, osteoporosis and cancer

There’s a trace mineral you’re almost certainly overlooking… It’s a “gatekeeper” for most of the important vitamins and minerals your body needs. This often-ignored mineral makes nutrients accessible to your body, preventing some of the conditions we fear most with age…

Jenny Smiechowski

The protein trick that helps seniors keep their strength

It starts in your 30s, and by the time you reach your 70s, you may have lost as much as 50 percent of your muscle mass. That’s why sarcopenia is one of the top causes of frailty, poor mobility and falls in older people. So does that mean you’re doomed to a future of weak muscles and waning independence?

Virginia Tims-Lawson

4 serious ways inflammation makes you sick

Most of us think of joint problems when we hear the word inflammation. But, inflammation is behind a number of serious health problems that could be waiting in the wings, ready to attack and rob you of your well-being. Here are the top four health risks caused by inflammation and what to do to stop it…

Jenny Smiechowski

5 Harvard-approved habits that add 10 years to your life

Blame it on a poor diet, workaholic mindset, sedentary lifestyle or whatever else, but the fact is Americans have a shorter life expectancy than people in nearly all other high-income countries. Luckily, there is a simple way to add at least 10 years to your life expectancy…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

10 MORE incredible things strawberries do

Sure they make a great snack but they pack an incredible health punch too. That’s why we’re not shy about telling you what strawberries do to your body. But the list of incredible benefits just keeps growing and growing. That’s because strawberries contain a little-known antioxidant…