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Jenny Smiechowski

The fatal side effect of prescription sleep aids

Insomnia stinks. But, sometimes, you’d do almost anything for sleep, right? However, if you do turn to prescription sleep aids to get some zzz’s on occasion, there’s something you should know… They threaten lives more often than those commercials with the calming, sleep-inducing butterfly lead you to believe.

Joyce Hollman

How sleep makes more room in your brain for memories

The brain has been compared to a computer. It takes in information, processes it, and stores it away in our memories. But just how does this happen? And how can we help things along? A recently published study took a close look at what’s going on in our brain when it’s at work forming permanent memories for us.

Jenny Smiechowski

Still fishing for an answer to your insomnia? Try this food

What should you do when you’re so desperate you’d trade anything (your car, your left arm, your firstborn, your beloved cockapoo) for one decent night’s sleep? Well, the bad news is, there’s no silver bullet solution to insomnia. But research says more of this fish on your dinner plate comes pretty close…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

3 ways poor sleep is killing your heart

Being in debt to the Sandman can do much more than just leave you tired. It’s long been known that poor sleep increases your risk of cardiovascular disease. In fact, here are three ways researchers have found a lack of sleep can elevate risks that are detrimental to your heart…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Rock your way to better sleep and improved memory

You don’t have to be a small child to get the benefits that come from being rocked to sleep. Turns out a continuous rocking motion can help synchronize the neural activity in the thalamo-cortical networks of your brain, and the benefits — more than just great sleep — are the stuff of dreams…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The sleep disorder that steals memories

Likely, you already know that sleep apnea is linked to some extreme health risks, including stroke. But, if you’re living with sleep apnea, bits of your past could be going missing each and every night, leaving you struggling to remember the most precious moments of your life…


Joyce Hollman

Why setting your alarm clock can save your heart

Just a night of six hours of sleep or less can reduce the power of your cancer-fighting cells by as much as 70%. But, no one has really looked at the regularity of your sleep habits as a factor in preventing disease. You’ll want to know what it can do to your heart…

Joyce Hollman

What your nightmares reveal about your health

Which comes first, the nightmare or the illness? It’s hard to say. But one thing is certain: your dreams, particularly your nightmarish ones, are intimately connected with your health. If nightmares are disrupting your sleep, something else might be happening…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What sleep has to do with obesity

It’s no secret sleep is vital to your health. And now we know if you’re not getting it, you can’t control cravings, improve your metabolism or keep your blood pressure stabilized. No wonder it leads to diabetes and obesity…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Does evening exercise really ruin your sleep?

You may have heard the conventional wisdom that says you shouldn’t exercise in the evening since it makes it hard to fall asleep. I know that I had… In fact, I though I had to skip my workout if I couldn’t get it in before 5 pm. But, is it the truth? Let’s get to the bottom of it…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How a bad night’s sleep throws you off balance

Multiple studies have linked poor sleep to everything from weight gain and depression to chronic disease. Yet, there’s another danger you could be facing that hasn’t gotten enough attention… Your risk of serious falls and even fractures.

Joyce Hollman

Why your cell phone could give you diabetes, cancer and make you fat

Did you know that there are special cells in your eyes that have nothing to do with sight? They’re in charge of your internal sleep-wake clock. When the work of those special eye cells are disrupted, it can wreak havoc with your health in the form of cancer, diabetes and obesity…