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Weight Loss

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Joyce Hollman

The pre-diet step for lasting lower blood pressure and weight loss

If you’ve been discouraged with results after dieting, the problem could be your gut bacteria. Researchers identified a pre-diet step that boosts the benefits of
a healthy diet and helped participants lose weight, get control of their blood pressure and even cut down or eliminate BP medication.

Joyce Hollman

The sleepy solution to less menopausal belly fat

Have you been told that belly fat is just part of menopause? It took a female doctor to realize that only about half of women are plagued with weight gain at this time in their lives. So she dug in and found out what else was contributing to that extra weight…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What doesn’t work against belly fat — and what does

Fasting has become popular of late. Recent research, though, has shown that even intermittent fasting might not be enough to bust belly fat. But the research did get the fat to give up the skinny on why it’s so difficult, and that’s information you can use to master your strategy to win the battle of the bulge…

Joyce Hollman

High protein for weight loss? Make sure your kidneys can handle it

A high-protein diet can be an extremely effective weight loss plan. It usually goes hand in hand with a low-carb diet. But before you jump into changing your ways, consider the health of your kidneys. If not, you could end up with a bigger problem than a few extra pounds.

Carolyn Gretton

Overcome stress eating and improve metabolism with ‘psychobiotics’

There is a complex interplay between stress eating, obesity and the kinds of metabolic issues that can lead to type 2 diabetes. Managing all these factors usually takes multiple steps. But a team of researchers may have found an interesting shortcut involving a particular kind of “good” bacteria…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Research proves age is no barrier for weight loss

As a society, we’re conditioned to see weight loss as something for the young. Even among medical professionals, there’s existed a strong misconception that weight loss isn’t safe for seniors. But not only can seniors lose weight, they may have the biggest benefits to gain.


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The tea that helps you burn fat in your dreams

Most weight loss plans don’t work for one simple reason. They’re too restrictive. Yet, what if you could lose weight while you sleep by firing up your metabolism and having it run all night long?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The drink that drives down your fat-triggering hormone

Many of us have just made another resolution to lose the extra weight around our hips, thighs and belly. And more likely than not, we’ll give it up again in defeat. Not to sound glib, but if you want to really lose the weight, just drink more water — but not for reason you think. […]

William Davis

How a plant-based diet can do your metabolism good

Plant-based diets have grown in popularity over the last few years. Books like “Forks over Knives” and documentaries like “The Game Changers” have inspired people to give plant-based diets a second look. If you still need a little incentive, here’s this: Plant-based diets boost after-meal calorie burn and lead to serious weight loss.

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

Why fad diets don’t work

How successful was the last diet you tried? Based on our experience and research, the answer is probably, “not very!” We’ve all tried the newest trendy diet and guess what? We rarely last more than a few days and the results never stick! Before you try another, let’s talk about why and discuss effective options… Fad […]

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Losing just 5 pounds could cut your diabetes risk in half

According to the CDC, 88 million Americans are now living with prediabetes and are on the path to a Type 2 diabetes diagnosis in the coming years. Yet, as scary as that number is, it can also be looked at as 88 million cases of diabetes that are preventable with the right steps. And those steps are exactly what a brand-new study published in the international journal JAMA Internal Medicine has given us…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How about something sweet to suppress your appetite?

Sugar offers little to nothing but calories. But we really like it, except when it leads to weight gain. A new study, however, may change the way you think about it. You know the saying — “the hair of the dog” — used often when someone suffering a hangover needs a little of what got them that way to get over it? It turns out that sugar could be the key to eating less over the holidays…