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Weight Loss

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Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

These steps can melt your middle-aged spread

The middle age spread is something most of us battle if we want to maintain a fit body and a healthy weight past the age of 45. Luckily, taking some extra steps can help you keep from packing on the pounds after middle age, without resorting to drastic, crash diets or dangerous weight loss drugs…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Take a break to lose more weight

Have you been dieting but just can’t seem to either lose the weight or keep it off? Your “famine reaction” may be blame. It’s an ancient protective mechanism that helped our ancestors survive, but may be to blame for making us fat. New research reveals how to get past it for weight loss success…

Jedha Dening

This sneaky hormone helps your body store fat

Weight gain is defined by an accumulation of body fat. But what’s less understood is how fat accumulates. We’ve been led to believe it’s because we eat too much. And while that’s one factor, there’s more to it. And seeing the bigger picture can make it much easier to beat the bulge…

Dr. Mark Wiley

How to burn fat while you sleep

The reason diets fail is because they are based on restriction. Almost no one I know has enough willpower to maintain anything based on restriction over time. But what if you could simply burn fat more efficiently and really, really keep it off…

Debra Atkinson

7 steps to lose weight (even after menopause) [slideshow]

These seven ways to weight loss after menopause are not random. They each impact the next. You don’t have to go for them all at once. These seven components have helped midlife women finally lose weight and feel great. Now it’s your turn…

Jenny Smiechowski

Why belly fat fuels cancer growth

Cancer and obesity are closely linked. In fact, extra body weight contributes to 1 in 5 cancer-related deaths. But when it comes to the cancer-obesity connection, things aren’t as straightforward as they seem…


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

8 safe and sane steps to a flatter belly

Are you battling belly bulge? Is that spare tire around your middle expanding? Counting calories alone is not enough to get the flat stomach you’ve always wanted. It’s also about what you eat and smart supplementing. With that said, here are the eight steps to a flatter stomach you can start taking today…

Jenny Smiechowski

This secret to stronger willpower is just nuts

Eating healthy is hard, especially when you’re dealing with constant cravings for chips, cookies, cheeseburgers or whatever your particular vice is. Luckily, there’s an easy hack that can help you handle incessant hunger and unhealthy food cravings with willpower and grace…

Dr. Mark Wiley

Why weight loss for seniors takes a special approach

Aging can be difficult enough, especially if you’re facing thinning bones. But if you want to make it harder on yourself, there’s one surefire way… And that’s carrying around too much extra weight. But losing the weight is not so easy — or safe — for obese seniors, and here’s why…

Jedha Dening

‘Smelly’ trick to boost your fat-burning metabolism

Someone presents a roast dinner with baked potatoes and vegetables smothered in gravy. You smell the delicious aroma and your mouth begins to salivate. But before a fork even reaches your mouth, the smell of that food is affecting your metabolism…

Jenny Smiechowski

4 meal-timing tricks for a faster metabolism (slideshow)

When it comes to eating healthy, you have to consider more than just what you eat. You have to consider when you eat it. Because meal timing makes a big difference in your energy, metabolism, weight and overall health…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Is a dusty house making you fat?

They’re called “obesogens.” They come into your home on the products you buy and wind up in your household dust for you to inhale, ingest, and absorb through your skin. According to research, just three milligrams of this dust resulted in fat production.