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Carolyn Gretton

Relieving the symptoms of shingles naturally

Shingles can strike anyone who’s had chickenpox, although older adults tend to be more susceptible. This painful, burning, itching rash takes time to heal. But you can relieve its symptoms through a number of natural means while waiting for it to disappear…

Tracey G. Ingram, AuD

Why the connection between asthma and osteoporosis?

Asthma can be deadly. The symptoms include coughing, tightness in the chest and wheezing. Because there currently is no cure for asthma, management of the condition is the best our health care providers can offer. However, recent research is proving those treatments can come at a cost…

Tracey G. Ingram, AuD

Is cannabis a safer, effective answer to OCD?

Right now, costly therapy and questionable drugs are the approved treatments for OCD. But cannabis may hold potential for providing a break from the chronic cycle of obsessive-compulsive thoughts and behaviors those struggling with obsessive-compulsive disorder deal with on a daily basis…

Carolyn Gretton

The Chinese herb in the fight against colorectal cancer

Having cancer is scary. But the word “chemotherapy” can be just as worrisome for different reasons, including dreadful side effects like nausea, vomiting, hair loss, weight loss, fatigue, anemia and infection. Perhaps the worst, though, is when cancer becomes resistant to chemo. What then? Well, research shows a Chinese herb is proving a potent helper in just this situation…

Jenny Smiechowski

Honey beats medications at treating cough and upper respiratory tract infections

A lot of people see all-natural honey-based cough medicines on the drugstore shelf and think they need something stronger and more serious to tame their cough. But that just isn’t the case. Not only do popular drug-based cough medicines come with more risks, but they’re also not nearly as effective as plain old honey, according to the latest research.

Jenny Smiechowski

Essential oil diffusers may pose an unexpected risk

I’ve never thought of my diffuser as anything but a blessing to my health and home. It’s an easy way to take advantage of the benefits of aromatherapy and a great alternative to chemical air fresheners. But I recently read something that indicated there may be a dark side to my diffuser…


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Clearing out heavy metals that weigh your health down

Adopting clean-living strategies are commonplace for those of us who realize the health dangers posed by toxins. But while we’ve been focused mostly on toxins and poisons, there’s another threat that deserves your attention, capable of contributing to autoimmune diseases and the underlying inflammation that accelerates the process of chronic illness.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Conditions scientifically shown to benefit from chiropractic care

If you haven’t tried chiropractic care yet, you could be missing out. While some dismiss chiropractic care, believing that the only way to find relief is through medical treatments and drugs, scientific studies are proving that chiropractic works! Here are a few conditions getting adjusted could help…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Ancient Chinese remedy soothes indigestion without drugs or side effects

If you live with indigestion that causes bloating and stomach pain, you might be tempted to head to your doctor for a prescription. But wait… many of those pills have been linked to Alzheimer’s. Luckily, a new study has found safe, effective indigestion relief in an ancient Chinese practice.

Margaret Cantwell

The kidney disease research that could save hearts

For far too long, saving our hearts has focused on one thing: cholesterol. But heart research into another growing health problem may intersect this blind spot of cardiovascular research to provide an answer for two very serious health conditions that both lead to vascular calcification… and hearts that give out.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The natural ‘antibiotic’ that could fend off strep throat

Antibiotic resistance has been labeled an epidemic and according to the CDC, “More than 2.8 million antibiotic-resistant infections occur in the U.S. each year.” Well, it’s possible that if more of us turned to this natural antibiotic powerhouse, that we could avoid a personal assault from these superbugs…

Dr. Michael Cutler

Chelation: Getting the lead out

Remember that there is no safe blood level of lead. It’s been tied to illnesses ranging from mystery military ailments to heart disease. Fortunately, it’s treatable. Chelation is a method of binding up metal molecules so it can be eliminated via the urine. There are also antioxidants that help get your health back…