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Healthy Aging

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Jenny Smiechowski

The habit that could make your brain nearly a decade younger

As you know, brain volume tends to shrink with age. And as a result, you start to experience some level of cognitive decline, even if you don’t end up with dementia or Alzheimer’s. But one man’s brain scans show a near lifetime practice can slow down the rate at which the brain ages…

Jenny Smiechowski

The best way to feed your muscles so you don’t lose them with age

If you’re like most people, you’re not a planner when it comes to protein… Some meals you eat lots of protein. Other meals you don’t eat much. But you figure it all evens out in end. Unfortunately, that assumption could cost you something very important — your muscles.

Jenny Smiechowski

3 health conditions that should make you think twice about surgery if you’re a senior

Surgery is never something to go into lightly. It’s a major event that puts your body under a lot of stress. So it’s important to weigh the risks and benefits carefully, especially if you’re over 65 and have one of these three health conditions which makes it far more dangerous…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The ‘other’ condition that can put you on the danger list for COVID-19 and flu

About 50 percent of the Amerian population fits into a surprising category that could increase their severity of not only flu infection, but also coronavirus. Just like heart disease, diabetes and lung diseases, if you are in this group, take extra precautions…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

How you can use ‘vitamin F’ to slow premature aging

Although skincare experts have coined the term, vitamin F is not a real vitamin. In fact, the F simply stands for fat. Specifically, vitamin F is two types of fatty acids – linoleic acid (an Omega-6) and alpha-linolenic acid (an Omega-3). These acids are now the hottest trend in skincare. And here’s why…

Jenny Smiechowski

Move over resveratrol, this healthy fat fights aging better

Dietary fat used to be the scapegoat for heart disease, obesity, diabetes, premature aging — you name it. Now we know the opposite is true. Eating fat is one of the best things you can do. In fact, healthy fats may even top antioxidants as the most effective nutrient for fending off disease and aging…


Joyce Hollman

5 ways obesity accelerates the mechanisms of aging

At least 40 percent of Americans suffer from a preventable condition that significantly shortens their healthspan. Not only does this condition cause hypertension, heart disease and diabetes, but it damages the body on a cellular level — the kind of damage that mimics changes that normally come with getting old…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The dairy choice that slows aging by almost five years

Some people say we should avoid milk completely. Others will tell you to only go with whole milk because the fats in it are good for your brain. How do you know what’s right? Well, a new study is shedding more light on the subject, at least when it comes to how fast you age…

Joyce Hollman

This ‘sure thing’ adds more years to your life

Behavior and lifestyle choices can increase the odds you’ll live a long and healthy life. But, according to research, there’s one behavior a woman can engage in that will grant her more years, and more health to enjoy them…

Jenny Smiechowski

3 diets that halt age-related hearing loss

It’s funny how common certain beliefs about aging are. Everybody will need glasses. Everybody’s memory will slip. Everybody will lose hearing. Well, hold on… A 20 year study says what you eat can help you avoid hearing loss. It’s the best diet you’ve never “heard” of…

Joyce Hollman

CoQ10: The ‘magic bullet’ for a healthy energetic life

Of all the vitamins and minerals, there’s one that seems to hold the key to aging well. In fact, low levels of this nutrient have been linked to heart disease, brain disorders, diabetes and cancer. No, this time it’s NOT vitamin D, but it can help make healthy aging a snap…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

Want to be younger by this time next year? Read this

You can’t change your birth date. But you do have some control over many aspects of the aging process. That’s why you hear more about heart age, mental age and biological age these days. Can you guess a simple way you can improve the resilience and longevity of your heart, brain and even your chromosomes?