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Healthy Aging

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Joyce Hollman

Cognitive decline and aphasia: How singing can help

Cognitive flexibility is a key component of executive functioning, and group singing provides an opportunity to “exercise” the portions of the brain that control this crucial function. In fact, singing may be an enjoyable and effective way to boost your brain function…

Carolyn Gretton

Your immune system is aging faster and here’s why

The body’s immune system tends to grow weaker as people age. But as the aging population grows, something stands out. In some people, this aging seems accelerated. Why? A not-so-surprising difference that makes it hard for your immune system to do its job…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Quantified: How much type 2 diabetes ages the brain

Type 2 diabetes doesn’t just spell problems for your blood sugar. It acts as a gateway disease in many respects. And while there have been concerns about its connection to cognitive decline for a while, you may be surprised to learn how much diabetes ages the brain…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Slow walker? You’re on a fast track to a nursing home

We all want to age like those people who get laugh lines, not wrinkles, hold on to their memories and become more vital as the years pass. But it doesn’t always go that way. There’s a way to measure your odds — just in time to do something about it.

Joyce Hollman

Middle-aged+? This is the ‘optimal’ amount of sleep for you

Ever wonder how much sleep you need for your best shot at overall health, including strong mental faculties? A huge study has answered that question for those of us middle-aged and up. Here’s the scoop, plus some tips for natural ways to help you achieve it…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The new fountain of youth: Fecal transplants

One of the most promising fields of anti-aging research is fecal transplants. Sounds gross, but amazing things happened when old mice were transplanted with poop from young mice. How far would you go to turn back the clock? Luckily, you don’t have to go quite this far, but it’s where you should start…


Joyce Hollman

4 ways your body warns you it’s aging too fast

As we age, changes start to occur in our bodies. Not all of them are pleasant. And some can be warning signs that you’re actually aging faster than you probably want to. The good news is that you can do something about quite a few of them…

Joyce Hollman

Early signs of functional decline that lead to male ‘frailty’

Maybe it’s because some still hold strong to the adage that men are the stronger sex. Or maybe it’s because men themselves aren’t open about health problems they experience with age. That’s a problem because male frailty is real and two signs can indicate if you’re headed there early…

Carolyn Gretton

The surprising truth about when your brain really slows down

Does your brain really start to slow down once you reach adulthood? For years it’s been the belief that we start to lose mental processing speed once we pass the age of 20. But we may actually have more decades of fast thinking ahead of us than previously thought…

Carolyn Gretton

Can’t get no satisfaction? Release more oxytocin

People whose brains release more oxytocin tend to be kinder and more satisfied with their lives. And unlike most beneficial chemcials in the body, oxytocin release increases with age. But if you’re not getting enough satisfaction, here’s how to get more…

Carolyn Gretton

Brisk walking, telomeres and how 60 may be the new 45

Walking is one of the healthiest habits to fall into. But when you pick up the pace, something amazing happens to your telomeres, little DNA caps that work like harbingers of aging: brisk walking walks back your biological age…

Carolyn Gretton

10 health consequences of not having sex

It can be deceptively easy to slide into an extended period of not having sex. Life gets busy, you get tired, and sometimes we think we’re just too old. But lack of sex isn’t just a relationship issue: not having sex can negatively impact your health, happiness and well-being…