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Colon Health

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Carolyn Gretton

A closer look at the gut’s connection to Alzheimer’s

A new wrinkle in Alzheimer’s research: Discovering that the gut and the brain communicate through neurons in both organs. What does that mean for early detection, treatment and prevention?

Joyce Hollman

Soda, sugar and the other reason it leads to diabetes

Soda has tons of sugar, so it makes sense it might lead to diabetes. But it’s more complex than that. For the first time, a study has “connected the dots,” showing how soda alters the gut to sabotage our metabolism.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Eat this food to see why you can’t go #2

Gut problems are often revealed by your transit time — the time it takes for food to pass through. Depending on yours, you may be straining on or running to the toilet. This at home test will help you figure out why…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

An invisible connection between psoriasis and Crohn’s disease

Psoriasis manifests as scaly, red and itchy skin, but is far more than just skin-deep. It can cause unseen damage, affecting the joints, blood pressure and heart health. Now there’s an answer for the stomach problems…

Joyce Hollman

The berry powerful enough to treat bowel inflammation

If you follow nutritional health like I do, you know one superfood stands out study after study. Now researchers are calling it a natural therapeutic agent for intestinal health. That’s because it goes after the root of conditions like colitis and more…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Colonoscopy: Is every 10 years really necessary?

Whether your rite of passage was at 50 or 45, anyone who submits to a routine colonoscopy is informed they’re expected to repeat the procedure every 10 years. Now for some good news: some of us may get a reprieve…


Virginia Tims-Lawson

How your poop schedule impacts your liver and kidneys

Once we’re out of elementary school, the poop jokes typically end. The childish humor is just that, plus the older we get we learn a fact: There’s nothing funny about not being able to go. And now we know our kidneys and liver can pay the price…

Carolyn Gretton

The ‘pickled’ food that took down weight and triglycerides

Wouldn’t it be great if fighting obesity was as easy as adding one specific food to your diet? Well, according to multiple studies, this may be possible with a food that’s been eaten for thousands of years…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

A cardiologist answers: What can apple cider vinegar really do?

Apple cider vinegar is a versatile household staple, from brightening salad dressings to unclogging drains. It’s also touted as a health elixir. How can you separate the hype from the real benefits? See what the doctor has to say…

Carolyn Gretton

 The sweet truth about yogurt, honey and your gut

Separately, yogurt and honey both have excellent health properties, including the ability to protect the gut. But what about together? Researchers decided to see if two are better than one when it comes to probiotic survival in your gut and the benefits that follow…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The vitamin-bacteria combo that beats IBD fatigue

Inflammatory bowel disease can be unpleasant and painful. But in addition to digestive problems, it causes crushing fatigue. A simple vitamin provided relief for many, but not all. Now experts discovered the secret to turning thiamine into an energy-generating machine everyone can benefit from…

Carolyn Gretton

Keto’s gut changes that raise your stroke risk

To keto or not to keto? If you’re looking to lose weight and control inflammation, the keto diet can help. But there are risks to this diet as well — including its negative impact on your gut, cholesterol levels and ability to process carbs which is a setup for diabetes and stroke…