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Margaret Cantwell

2 servings a day drops pounds, inches, BMI and disease risk

What if adding two specific foods to your day could not only help you drop pounds, lose inches and significantly lower your body mass index, but also rescue everything that’s wrong with your health? It sounds too good to be true, but these are the facts…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The chemical connection between diet, diabetes and cancer

A study aiming to understand what factors elevate risk in families susceptible to cancer ended up discovering a deeper mechanism linking an essential “energy consumption pathway” to cancer development. Here’s how it works and what activates it…

Joyce Hollman

The vitamin that could turn prediabetes around

Prediabetes is a silent sign diabetes isn’t far behind. Watching weight, blood sugar and cholesterol could help you avoid it. But if you find yourself in prediabetes limbo, like 10 million other adults, researchers say a common vitamin could be a big help…

Jedha Dening

A simple trick to lower morning blood sugar

Gaining tight control over your daily blood sugar levels by eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, stressing less and getting good quality sleep, will all help control your morning readings. But there is one simple trick that may help even more…

Joyce Hollman

3 spices that tackled A1C, fasting glucose, insulin and won

Spices are at the top of the ORAC scale. That means they have exceptional anitoxidant capacity to keep oxidative stress from ruining our health. And when it comes to type 2 diabetes, three really stand out against three threats to your glycemic profile…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Smoking’s link to dangerous belly fat

Despite all we know about the dangers of smoking, nearly one in 12 U.S. adults still does. And while many of them may want to kick the habit, concerns about weight gain is one excuse holding them back. If only they knew the irony of what smoking does to their belly fat…


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The diet that ‘detoxes’ diabetic kidney danger

For many people dealing with type 2 diabetes, kidney problems will crop up. Diabetes injures the kidneys, keeping them from cleaning the blood properly. But if you can eliminate one food compound you’ve likely never heard of, you might stop that threat in its tracks…

Joyce Hollman

The diet linked to cancer, heart disease and 30 other conditions

It’s no surprise a steady diet of the wrong foods packs on pounds, raises blood pressure and blood sugar and ruins good health. But when you come face to face with facts from 45 studies that include 30+ conditions and cancer, time to look at what we’re eating…

Margaret Cantwell

What do blood sugar, Alzheimer’s and cancer have in common?

You may have heard that people with diabetes are more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease, and vice versa. What’s not as widely-known is the connection between diabetes and cancer. Research shows it may all come down to…

Joyce Hollman

The diabetes-cancer connection and how to take both down

If you or a loved one has type 2 diabetes, you know the importance of controlling it. But there’s another significant reason to manage it, better yet, help it go into remission: Cancer. Luckily, there’s one thing that can take both dangerous conditions down…

Joyce Hollman

When that burning and tingling in your feet is a warning sign

When I read, I sit with one foot tucked under me. If I sit this way for too long, though, I end up with that “pins and needles” feeling in my foot. But when I start walking around the sensation goes away. But if pins and needles, or a burning sensation in your feet, is something you experience frequently without knowing why, that’s a whole other story…

Carolyn Gretton

The diet that takes diabetes down, except when it doesn’t

It can be tough to separate the good from the bad when choosing a diet plan. That’s why scientists are paying closer attention to the health impacts of certain ones. And when it comes to diabetes, they’ve discovered something interesting about plant-based diets…