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Digestive Health

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Jedha Dening

Fats, not just sugar, promote insulin resistance

You probably know that the fats you consume on an everyday basis can influence your cholesterol levels. But one thing that may not be as clear is that those same fats can affect your risk of insulin resistance. But it seems there may be more to the story…

Jedha Dening

5 ways and 4 reasons to nourish your gut bugs

Nourishing your gut bugs can improve bone health, hormone regulation, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, respiratory conditions and more. The key? Bacterial diversity — as long as you try to encourage the beneficial gut bacteria, while keeping the bad bacteria away…

Jedha Dening

6 nutraceuticals to combat your digestive troubles

Whether it’s constipation or more troublesome and serious conditions such as gastric ulceration, inflammatory bowel disease, and even colorectal cancer — many of us will struggle with gastrointestinal illnesses (GI) at some point in our lifetime.

Dr. Isaac Eliaz

3 ways digestion breaks your health and 8 tips to fix it

Good digestion is vital to good nutrition. But there’s more to it. It’s easy to think of digestion as a closed system, but we’re finding that multiple systems, i.e. digestive, endocrine, neurological, immune and others are highly interconnected and woven closely together…

Easy Health Options Staff

Health benefits of prebiotics and where to find them [infographic]

Bacteria are living organisms, which means they have to eat. One way to enhance beneficial flora is to provide nutrition for them, in the form of prebiotics. By giving bacteria the food they like, we help them grow and maintain their balance in our digestive tract.

Jenny Smiechowski

The ancient Chinese food to save your modern gut

The bacteria that live in your gut play a huge role in strengthening your immune system, balancing your moods and your weight and boosting your overall health. But, it’s not always easy to eat a plate full of prebiotic-rich foods, so I’ve got a quick and simple tip for you…


Virginia Tims-Lawson

The natural appetite suppressant that fights fat and diabetes

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that counteract medications such as antacids and antibiotics, which kill off good gut bacteria. But they’re only half the story. Prebiotics, on the other hand, feed these bacteria and can help you avoid disease and weight gain.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

7 simple ways to beat belly bloat

If your waistband is feeling extra snug, don’t blame your dryer. More than likely, your stomach is to blame, thanks to eating habits and the digestive problems that they bring.

Jedha Dening

6 ways to beat constipation for good

Constipation… If you’re an unlucky sufferer, it can be a real strain, a real pain, and a real concern and worry. Try implementing the following natural everyday strategies to help eliminate your constipation and keep things moving for good…

Dr. Mark Wiley

The best foods and supplements to soothe IBS

When it comes to preventing, reducing or managing the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, you want to keep things moving while reducing inflammation, constipation and pain. The right foods and supplements can help…

Dr. Mark Wiley

The traditional way to soothe IBS

While the root cause of IBS has not yet been identified, the symptoms can be debilitating and are triggered by diet and stress. Traditional Chinese medicine views IBS as a syndrome of imbalances…

Jenny Smiechowski

‘Gut’ nutrient may cure your chronic insomnia

Are you sick of feeling tired, run-down and stressed out after a night of less-than restful sleep? Well, I have a simple solution that may provide long-term relief to your sleep woes, plus added benefits…