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Heart Health

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Joyce Hollman

One a day to lower cholesterol, stroke and heart disease risk

Oxidation in the body is the start of a chain reaction that ends in hardened arteries, stroke, heart disease or worse. Just as it turns an apple brown or causes metal to rust, oxidation causes harm in our bodies. The good news is that oxidative stress is largely preventable…

Carolyn Gretton

High LDL? Seed oils may help best

When it comes to cholesterol, we need to keep the following balance: high levels of HDL (“good”) cholesterol, low levels of LDL (“bad”) cholesterol. A great way to do that is through a healthy diet, including healthy fats. If your LDL is making that difficult, reach for these seed oils…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Microcalcification: When minerals build up to disease

It’s hard to understand how a nutrient required for a healthy body can sometimes go awry. You may have read about what happens when calcium collects in arteries, the heart and kidneys, and even joints. But you may not have heard of the cancer connection…

Joyce Hollman

The brain-changing effects of one more fatty, sugary treat

Sugar and fat. These ingredients are the fuel behind diabetes, fatty liver disease and heart disease. Yet we crave them, so much so that you might even think that sugar hijacks your brain, causing you to eat more and more of it. According to the research, you’d be correct.

Joyce Hollman

Women can eat away a quarter of their heart disease risk

Heart problems have long been associated with men, and research may be to blame. A decade’s worth of cardiovascular studies found only about 38 percent of subjects were women. But one group dug deep and found advice that could lower a woman’s unique risk by almost 25 percent.

Carolyn Gretton

Walk or golf: The best exercise for a healthy heart over 65

Many studies on exercise to improve heart health focus on young adults and high-intensity workouts. But for older adults, exercise choices can be limited. If you had to choose between walking, Nordic walking or golfing, which do you think would improve the numbers your doctor looks at?


Carolyn Gretton

2 conditions the shape of your heart increases risks for

You can manage a lot of lifestyle-related risk factors for heart problems. That can be true even if you have a family history or genetic predisposition. But there are just some risk factors that are tougher to deal with, like the shape of your heart…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Gum: The answer to a common complication of heart surgery

If you have heart surgery coming up, the last thing you want is complications. If everything goes smoothly, you can get home and back to normal life faster. But before the hospital will discharge you they have some criteria you must meet. That’s where a stick of gum will come in handy.

Carolyn Gretton

The amino acid deficiency tied to heart problems and the nut that fixes it

In Rome, walnuts were considered the food of the gods. Considering what we now know of their exceptional heart health benefits, there’s good reason to hold them in such high regard. But the biggest benefit may come from the nuts special relationship with your gut…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The heart attack threat healthy cholesterol scores can hide

A study has confirmed that not only can a little-known lipoprotein accurately predict your risk of developing atherosclerosis (where fatty deposits clog your arteries), it can be measured by at-home genetic testing just as accurately as bloodwork done in a doctor’s office. But if you’ve got good cholesterol numbers, your doctor isn’t looking for it…

Joyce Hollman

Why golfers who tee off regularly could live up to 5 years longer

It turns out that playing golf just once a month can have a positive impact on heart attack and stroke risk. And, let’s face it, the older we get, the harder it is to participate in other sports that could lower that risk as much. But there’s even more to golf than meets the eye. Find out how it plays into longevity…

Carolyn Gretton

Stroke, cancer and 43 other conditions linked to sugar

Some foods contain natural sugars, But unless you follow a strict whole foods diet, daily added sugar is setting you up for disease, and not just diabetes or obesity. 45 adverse health conditions have been linked to added sugars prompting a new limit…