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Immune Health

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Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How a common heavy metal can make pneumonia, flu and COVID-19 more severe

Since the pandemic began, we’ve been asking questions: Who will it strike? Why do some people suffer a severe case or loss of life? And most urgently, how can we stay healthy? Now, we learn that a heavy metal we’re commonly exposed to could cause not just COVID, but pneumonia and flu infection to escalate… […]

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

12 immune-boosting foods to help guard against mutant COVID

After all we’ve been through, reach around and pat yourself on the back. You deserve it. You’re a survivor and that means you’re looking ahead… Because the mutant variants of COVID will keep coming. If you haven’t made it a priority to ramp up your immune system, there’s still time…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Training your nose to smell again after COVID-19

A weird and common symptom of COVID-19 affecting up to 80 percent of us is the loss of smell. Some suffer parosmia, where their sense of smell is distorted, making lemons smell like cabbage. Luckily, it’s possible to “train” your sense of smell back to normal…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Good news if you’re running low on alcohol-based hand sanitizer

Since the beginning of the pandemic, we’ve been told to use alcohol-based hand sanitizers. But shelves that once were full of the germ-killing goo have gone bare. That’s ok, because research is finally catching up with what works and what doesn’t against the virus. And that applies not just to treatment but hand sanitizer too. […]

Carolyn Gretton

How antioxidants may reduce vulnerability to COVID-19

As COVID-19 spreads, scientists are unraveling the complexities of the disease and the virus behind it. One thing they’ve discovered is a particular mechanism that could explain why there are those among us, like the elderly and people with chronic disease, who are more vulnerable to infection, as well as provide clues to help them. […]

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

Colds, COVID-19 and the flu? Here’s the doctor’s secret weapon

You know the mantra for how to avoid getting sick this winter: Wash your hands and wear a mask. And when the days start getting shorter, the temperature drops and cold and flu season kicks in, we could all use an immunity boost, COVID or no COVID. That’s where my favorite secret weapon comes in… Yes, […]


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Cleveland Clinic identifies melatonin as potential COVID-19 treatment

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread across the US. And with the surge that experts warned us about last summer, researchers are increasingly turning to drugs and natural supplements already approved for use against other conditions to stem the tide. The latest? The supplement we all love to help us sleep appears to reduce the risk of testing positive…

Joyce Hollman

Why showering less is a good idea, even during a pandemic

Even in these strange pandemic times, there’s a real downside to washing your body every day. So, if sheltering in place has changed your hygiene habits, don’t worry. Experts are telling us that what we’re really doing in our daily shower is throwing our microbiome out of balance, and here’s why that is not a good thing…

Carolyn Gretton

The cell in your body that may cause COVID-19 blood clotting

SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, attacks the body in a number of ways. One of the most insidious is the way it causes blood clots in the arteries, veins and microscopic blood vessels. Researchers are now pointing to a process in the body that could be causing these clots to form…

Joyce Hollman

Rheumatoid arthritis and cancer: a tangled web

Rheumatoid arthritis and cancer often go hand in hand, but they present conflicts in terms of treatment. RA drugs suppress the immune system, while cancer drugs work to make the immune response stronger. Some cancer drugs make RA worse, and some RA drugs may cause cancer. It’s a tangled web to maneuver to know what’s best for you.

Carolyn Gretton

Why vitamin D keeps taking the spotlight in the pandemic

As the pandemic heats up, researchers strive to uncover all there is to know about COVID-19. A recent study has found a common vitamin deficiency among 80 percent of those infected in one hospital. And this connection isn’t the first. Growing evidence keeps placing vitamin D squarely in the pandemic spotlight…

Joyce Hollman

The secret cancer weapon in oats, barley and mushrooms

The human body has two different immune systems with different roles. But did you know that one of those systems can be trained to seek out and destroy cancer? That’s exactly what immunotherapy is all about and why researchers are excited about a nutrient found in certain foods that could double our immune power against cancer.