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Carolyn Gretton

Peripheral artery disease: How sleep contributes to the pain in your legs

The most noticeable symptom of peripheral artery disease is pain and cramping caused by poor blood flow to the muscles in the legs. It occurs most often when walking, but you may be surprised how much sleep has to do with it…

Dr. Mark Wiley

Simply press these points for headache relief

Headaches don’t have to ache. Before your head starts hurting again, check out this quick and easy guide to the acupressure points that can head off headache pain before the suffering intensifies. You may be amazed at how well and fast these points quell pain.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Research links common medications to tinnitus

The ringing, buzzing, hissing, whistling, swooshing and clicking of tinnitus can drive anyone crazy. And though doctors have tried for years to help, there’s been little known about the causes of the condition — until now. It turns out it could be sitting in your medicine cabinet at this very moment…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Common drug for back pain found to offer nothing but side effects

If you’re one of the 80 percent of people who suffers from low back pain at one point or another, there’s something that you need to know before you see your doctor: the prescription they want to give you probably won’t work. Even worse, while it does little to nothing for your pain, the drug could lead to problematic or even dangerous side effects…

Joyce Hollman

5 health-based benefits of kindness

Being kind to others feels good. But the benefits extend even further than that. Science shows acts of kindness have real effects that impact physical health, from depression to heart health. Check out these 5 you can get more of…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Stretch away low back pain in 6 simple moves

If you’re living with low back pain, you’re not alone. And whether your pain is sharp and shooting, dull and achy or radiating, there are things you can do at home to get relief, including the 5,000-year-old practice deemed just as effective as physical therapy…


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why researchers say CBD ‘changes the channel’ on pain

CBD has gotten lots of press over the last few years. But perhaps its most hyped benefit is its ability to provide pain relief. Now CBD has been put to the test to determine if it’s truly a pain-relieving miracle or just hype based on the phenomenon of the “placebo effect.”

Jenny Smiechowski

The superstar antioxidant that stops osteoarthritis in its tracks

Osteoarthritis is a pain in the butt, or more accurately, the knee, hip, hand, neck or back. The loss of cartilage in these areas leads to painful bone rubbing that can prevent you from doing all sorts of everyday activities. Unfortunately, doctors can’t help much, but there is a promising antioxidant that not only relieves the pain but could stop osteoarthritis from progressing…

Carolyn Gretton

10 reasons your leg could be hurting

Sometimes if you have leg pain, the cause is obvious. But there are times when you may not be sure what’s going on. And whatever the source, no one wants to suffer through pain, wondering if the cause is anything serious or not. Here are 10 reasons you could be experiencing leg pain…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

How opioids sabotage your ‘feel good’ receptors to make pain worse

Emotional pain can cause chronic pain and chronic pain can cause emotional pain. It’s a bidirectional relationship that’s made worse when opioids enter the mix. So, while taking these painkillers can make you feel better early on, over time, they only make your problems worse.

Margaret Cantwell

What a week of pain relievers does to your heart

You may not realize just how quickly some painkillers can take a toll on your heart. You don’t have to take these drugs for years and years to experience an elevated heart attack risk. Damage can be done by taking them for just one week.

Joyce Hollman

Thinking about injections for knee pain? Read this first

The pain of knee osteoarthritis affects more than 14 million Americans who often seek relief from their well-meaning doctors. But one remedy that’s proven quite lucrative for pharmaceuticals is proving nothing but ineffective and risky for patients…