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Carolyn Gretton

Rocket fuel: The toxic danger lurking in our food

A dangerous chemical found in rocket fuel has gone from infiltrating our water sources to the foods we eat. Some of us are especially vulnerable to this forever chemical, which disrupts hormone production, metabolism, thyroid function and causes brain damage…

Jenny Smiechowski

The diet that gets most glyphosate out of your body in just 6 days

Dozens of pesticides are used on our food, many of which have been linked to hormone disruption, neurological problems, immune system issues and more. Luckily, recent research shows that you can clear as much as 60 percent of them from your system in under a week with the right foods…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

It’s not your diet: Why breathing is making us fat

Nothing is more frustrating than seeing numbers on a scale tipping in the wrong direction, no matter how much calorie counting you’ve done. Is it your diet? Hormones? Or the air you breathe? It’s not high in calories, but it’s high in something else science says packs on the pounds…

Joyce Hollman

Milk thistle: Liver support for better cholesterol, blood sugar and weight

For centuries, milk thistle has been used as a natural, herbal remedy to help support the liver, your body’s main detoxifying organ that protects you from pesticides and other environmental toxins. But if you thought that was all it could do, think again. There’s research that your blood sugar, cholesterol and weight could benefit, too.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The surprising way an entire family got lead poisoning

What if I told you that you could be unknowingly serving up a dangerous substance in your home every day that could poison your body, cause behavior and learning problems in your children and skyrocket your risk for heart disease? This is how it happens…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

‘Everyday’ plastics mess with metabolism, increase fat cells

Endless commercials tell us if we join weight loss programs and eat their pre-packaged meals, the pounds will drop. Maybe you’ve tried them or followed a diet at home, working out on top of all of that, but the scale keeps going up. Let me be the first to tell you to stop beating yourself up. Here’s why…


Joyce Hollman

Microplastic ‘magnets’ deliver poisons to your bloodstream

Who in their right mind would sit down and eat a bunch of plastic particles with their meal? But we have been for a long time. To the point that it’s poisoning us in an entirely different and alarming way…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

One more reason to give up bottled water: Your gut

Microplastics have now invaded every corner of our planet, compromising our food supply and flooding our once pristine oceans. You may be concerned about their effects on the environment, but it’s your gut you really need to worry about…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Study finds a handful of heavy metals clogging major arteries

Some experts have said that at least 31 percent of the cardiovascular disease burden in the world could be avoided if environmental pollutants were eliminated. So when researchers looked at the association between toxic heavy metals and the body’s major arteries, they were shocked, but not surprised…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How to eat sushi and avoid the big mercury danger

Sushi has become increasingly popular and it’s easy to see why. The combination of fresh fish, rice, seaweed and yummy sauces and add-ons like wasabi make eating healthy fun. Or does it? Depending on your sushi choices you could face serious heavy metal contamination. Here’s advice from experts on safer sushi choices and how to avoid the big mercury danger.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

‘Banned’ chemical in everyday products fast-tracks fatty liver disease

In 2016, it was banned from soaps and body washes. But despite the evidence of the harm it does, the FDA has yet to force its removal from other types of household products. Not only can it absorb through your skin, it accelerates fatty liver disease. Here’s what you need to know…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How a common heavy metal can make pneumonia, flu and COVID-19 more severe

Since the pandemic began, we’ve been asking questions: Who will it strike? Why do some people suffer a severe case or loss of life? And most urgently, how can we stay healthy? Now, we learn that a heavy metal we’re commonly exposed to could cause not just COVID, but pneumonia and flu infection to escalate… […]