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Healthy Aging

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Carolyn Gretton

Experts may have found ‘fountain of youth’ in tiny seed

We’ll do just about anything we can to extend our lifespan, whether it’s following an anti-aging diet or exercise regimen — or as involved as using hyperbaric oxygen therapy. In all those efforts, there’s one goal scientists continue to chase: the ability to swallow one pill to stop aging. And they are inching ever closer…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

12-year study finds 8 foods to beat cognitive decline

More evidence is stacking up that, when it comes to keeping your brain at its best, what you eat counts. According to research that spanned 12 years, there are eight foods you’ll want to make a part of your regular diet if you want to ward off cognitive impairment and dementia as you age — and one to avoid like the plague…

Joyce Hollman

How to tell if it’s age-related memory problems or Alzheimer’s

Memory problems can be unnerving, especially when we get older. It’s easy to begin second-guessing everything and wondering whether you’re simply forgetful or if something worse is happening — like Alzheimer’s. How can you tell the difference? Here are a few things to take note of…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Best reason to exercise: rebuilding your body to live healthy longer

Aging means slowing down, doing less and retiring, right? Wrong! According to research from Harvard, if you’re taking it easier as the years pass, you’re missing out on processes in the body that can actually build your body back stronger and fight disease to help you live healthier and longer…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

An unexpected perk of housework: Healthy aging

Need a reason to stop procrastinating when it comes to household chores and get that sweeping, vacuuming and dusting done? A study looked at housework specifically for its ability to increase the amount of physical activity people get, and found quite a few unexpected perks that promote healthy aging…

Carolyn Gretton

The strong connection between bad sleep, bad attitude and bad aging

Getting older has its advantages, but losing sleep isn’t one of them. Not only does age-related sleep loss hurt your physical and cognitive health, researchers are finding it can make you distressed about aging. And that negative outlook could have further consequences for your physical and mental well-being…


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Your body on carbs: Metabolic distress and accelerated aging

A good deal of research has shown long-term overconsumption of carbs has a negative impact on metabolism, weight and overall health. But very little was known about how the body processes large amounts of carbohydrates eaten in a single meal. Hold onto your hats: it’s not just your metabolism that’s at risk…

Joyce Hollman

Food vs. anti-aging wonder drugs: Which works best

Food is powerful medicine. Yet, there hasn’t been much detailed research comparing the efficacy of diet vs. “wonder drugs” for slowing aging processes, until now. Recently, three with the most credibilty were put to the test against food. See where metformin, rapamycin and resveratrol landed…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Science says loneliness kicks off a dangerous disease trigger

As you get older, it becomes easier to feel isolated. Children move away and friends or loved ones may pass away, Your once strong network of social support can shrink dramatically. Sadly, this isolation can lead to depression, but it can also kick off a dangerous disease trigger. Now we know why and how to break the link…

Joyce Hollman

7 reasons to try a persimmon now

Persimmons are a small, sweet fruit that’s around from October to January. If you’ve never tried them, you’re missing out! They’re chock full of nutrients that lower your blood pressure, protect your eyesight and keep your brain young…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Tryptophan: The ‘Thanksgiving’ amino acid for healthy aging

Tryptophan is the amino acid that we all associate with that post-Thanksgiving meal slump. The truth, though, is that blame falls on the carbs. In fact, the maligned amino acid carries powerful benefits that can help us live happier and healthier, especially if you’re on the mature side…

Carolyn Gretton

Probiotics before exercise may be the secret to muscle growth

You may be one of the nearly 4 million Americans who take a daily probiotic to help support good health. If so, you’ll be happy to know that research shows caring for your gut microbiome can do more than keep your gut healthy — it may actually help you keep your muscles…