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Bone Health

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Jenny Smiechowski

Harden your bones — not your heart

Millions of Americans take calcium supplements every day to keep their bones healthy. But it turns out these supplements come with serious consequences…

Jenny Smiechowski

Coffee stains reveal bone-healthy benefit for teeth

Most people will tell you coffee isn’t good for your teeth. But most people are wrong… Well, not entirely. Coffee is acidic. And it does dull your smile. But new and surprising benefits for your teeth and bones may be worth it…

Craig Cooper

Sardines: A superfood for men

Sardines may be small in size but they provide a whopping dose of nutrients and heart-healthy oils, which is why sardines are a superfood for men and one of the best foods for men over 50.

Jenny Smiechowski

Insider advice: Don’t trade your bones for gold

Just when you thought medicine couldn’t get more expensive, there’s a new bank-breaking material slated for the next generation of knee and hip replacements — gold. But this vitamin is a better investment…

Dr. Geo Espinosa

Foods that support your prostate, heart and bones after 40

It’s easy to think of food as just … food. But as men age, certain foods can help boost bone and heart health and protect against memory loss and prostate problems.

Jenny Smiechowski

Booze for better bones?

It seems the tequila agave plant (Agave tequilana) has more to offer humanity than just its ability to get you black-out drunk. It contains substances that help with the absorption of calcium and magnesium — two essential minerals for strong and healthy bones.