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Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

3 symptoms of ovarian cancer you shouldn’t ignore

Ovarian cancer is a mostly silent and fast-moving disease. But researchers have found symptom-triggered testing can pick up early stage aggressive ovarian cancer in one in four women. Know what to look for and the tests your doctor should be running…

Carolyn Gretton

Microplastics: From your gut to your kidneys, liver and brain

The dangers that microplastics present is no longer speculation. They’re in artery-clogging plaques and may cross the blood-brain barrier. Now it appears the gut may be an open door to how they wreak even more havoc on the human body…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How this sneaky protein triggers leaky gut syndrome

With the incidence of leaky gut and celiac disease on the rise, people are left suffering as doctors struggle to get to the root of the problem. Luckily, researchers are shining a light on how leaks form in the gut lining, providing hope for treatments that work…

Carolyn Gretton

When weight loss is a sign to get checked for these cancers

Losing weight without trying may seem like the Holy Grail for anyone struggling to shed some excess pounds. However, unintentional weight loss may be an early sign of one of these developing cancers…

Joyce Hollman

Kombucha: The bacterial boost your metabolism needs

You may have heard of kombucha, but not jumped on board the hype. Well, if you’re looking to reduce fat, lower triglycerides and lose weight, kombucha can get you there by boosting the bacteria your body needs to ramp up your metabolism.

Joyce Hollman

Study confirms an IBS treatment better than medicine

Traditional medications for IBS can produce side effects including heartburn, diarrhea, gas and abdominal pain — the very symptoms they’re meant to eliminate. Research has confirmed a treatment that works better with none of those side effects…


Carolyn Gretton

What cranberries can do for heart disease, stroke, diabetes and more

When you hear cranberries mentioned in a health conversation, you probably immediately think of urinary tract infections. But then we heard about their effect on cholesterol. Turns out that was just the tip of the iceberg for these little berries…

Joyce Hollman

The hidden sweetener tied to IBS, sepsis and insulin resistance

Artificial sweeteners have a sordid past. Each time a new one is introduced, usually years later we see the detrimental effects. The newest kid on the block is no different: IBS, sepsis and insulin resistance, and you may never know you’re ingesting it…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Move over high blood pressure: There’s a new ‘silent killer’

Hypertension has long been the silent killer, damaging blood vessels without obvious symptoms until heart disease develops. However, experts are warning about a new silent killer, just as pervasive and sneaky, making up 60 percent of the average American adult’s diet…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The bacterial infection with a growing colon cancer reputation

H. pylori is a nasty bacteria known for infecting the stomach and small intestines, causing bad breath, painful gastritis, ulcers and gastric cancer. But research indicates its cancer-causing reputation is growing, Good news, it’s a treatable risk…

Joyce Hollman

The ‘other change’ behind menopausal weight gain and disease risk

If you’re post-menopausal, you’ve experienced a lot of change, but one’s recently been identified that helps explain why weight gain and higher risk for metabolic disease are among them. The loss of those hormones impacts a certain organ more than anyone thought…

Carolyn Gretton

Is it IBS or IBD?

IBS and IBD have a few things in common: they both affect the GI tract and can cause constipation, diarrhea, pain and fatigue. They’re both difficult to diagnose and can make life miserable. Here’s your guide to understanding the differences and getting relief…