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Margaret Cantwell

Black cumin seed and diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is considered preventable. That doesn’t mean it’s easy. Other conditions can make it harder to reverse, including obesity, hypertension and metabolic syndrome. But there is quite a bit of published research that indicates an ancient seed could help…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What an extra cup of coffee does for diabetes risk

Considering that 1 in 3 of us have prediabetes, researchers know the implications could be huge if they could could find a simple fix. Especially if it’s something most of us enjoy, don’t need a prescription for and tackles a key inflammatory biomarker…

Carolyn Gretton

How purple produce pushes back at blood sugar problems

The anthocyanins found in purple, blue and red plants pack a powerful punch against a host of inflammatory-related conditions and blood sugar issues. But researchers digging deeper into the impact of these powerful antioxidants have discovered an interesting quirk as to why they’re so effective at reducing diabetes risk…

Carolyn Gretton

How deep sleep tonight improves blood sugar tomorrow

Sleep is essential to our well-being. But we’re still learning how it helps prevent disease. One surprising finding? Deep-sleep brain waves reboot the body’s sensitivity to insulin, resulting in a more effective control of blood sugar the next day…

Carolyn Gretton

The troubling truth about arsenic and diabetes

There’s no question arsenic can be poisonous in large amounts. But are the small amounts we’re exposed to over time in rice and drinking water really that bad for us? Research points to yes. In fact, a recent study has underscored the connection between arsenic exposure, insulin production and sensitivity and type 2 diabetes…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Down this ‘shot’ before meals for lower blood sugar

While lifestyle changes can help defeat blood sugar problems, they’re not easy to stick to. But, if you’re still able to manage your condition without resorting to medication, you’d probably like to keep it that way. Here’s a tip researchers say will help…


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The veggie that lowers blood sugar up to 35 percent

If you work at balancing your blood sugar, you know that rice and potatoes can be a real problem. But they’re hard to give up, right? What if you could just replace half a serving of potatoes with a certain veggie and lower blood sugar spikes by 35 percent?

Joyce Hollman

The best workout for better blood sugar control

Diabetics know the right exercise is important for controlling blood sugar. But a newly discovered factor to add to any routine has the highest chance of helping some with type 2 diabetes completely stop their glucose-lowering medications…

Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby

The vitamin everyone needs (especially diabetics) for kidney protection

Protecting your kidneys is critical to health. But did you know one of the most dangerous and prevalent side effects of type 2 diabetes is kidney damage? So in addition to properly managing diabetes, it’s vitally important to be sure you’re not deficient in this one very important vitamin…

Joyce Hollman

5 serious conditions that can make you really thirsty

Excessive thirst can be a sign of dehydration or overheating. But it can also signal a much more serious health problem. If you’re finding yourself more thirsty than usual, it may have absolutely nothing to do with the summer heat, and everything to do with an underlying condition, like one of these…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Watermelon for better blood pressure and blood sugar

Research published in the journal Current Atherosclerosis Reports took into account decades of data on the health effects of watermelon. What did they find? Eating watermelon could be one of the best things you do for your blood pressure and blood sugar…

Jenny Smiechowski

AGEs: Why diabetes is bad for your bones

Diabetes comes with a long list of complications that affect many parts of the body including the brain, heart, eyes, feet and kidneys. But less known is the skyrocketing risk of bone fractures, especially hip fractures, that diabetics face. Here’s why and how to reduce your risk of a life-changing break…