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Digestive Health

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Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The vitamin-bacteria combo that beats IBD fatigue

Inflammatory bowel disease can be unpleasant and painful. But in addition to digestive problems, it causes crushing fatigue. A simple vitamin provided relief for many, but not all. Now experts discovered the secret to turning thiamine into an energy-generating machine everyone can benefit from…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

7 GI conditions linked with brain aneurysm

Research into the gut-brain axis, the signaling pathway between the gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system, has uncovered connections never before known. The latest is especially concerning. If you have a GI condition, know your elevated risk for brain aneurysm…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

The effects of probiotics on cholesterol levels

Probiotics have been linked to various health benefits, including enhanced immune function, reduced inflammation, and most notably, improved gastrointestinal health. But what can they do for your heart health? Let’s start with cholesterol…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How this sneaky protein triggers leaky gut syndrome

With the incidence of leaky gut and celiac disease on the rise, people are left suffering as doctors struggle to get to the root of the problem. Luckily, researchers are shining a light on how leaks form in the gut lining, providing hope for treatments that work…

Joyce Hollman

For a happy liver and digestion, balance your bile

Bile produced by the liver helps digest fats and vitamins. But too much bile can be toxic to the liver and other organs. Here’s the run-down on what happens when there’s too much bile, and how you can keep things flowing smoothly.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

7 sneaky medications that cause constipation

Constipation can be caused by many things, though most people never suspect their medications. But, it turns out at least 7 sneaky medications you could be taking right now that may be making your restroom trips more troublesome than they should be.


Joyce Hollman

Kombucha: The bacterial boost your metabolism needs

You may have heard of kombucha, but not jumped on board the hype. Well, if you’re looking to reduce fat, lower triglycerides and lose weight, kombucha can get you there by boosting the bacteria your body needs to ramp up your metabolism.

Carolyn Gretton

6 ways to make your fresh produce last longer

It’s important to eat fresh fruits and veggies as part of a healthy diet. And right now, it abounds. But keeping that produce from quickly going bad once you get it home is a challenge. Here are some tips to make it a whole lot easier…

Joyce Hollman

Study confirms an IBS treatment better than medicine

Traditional medications for IBS can produce side effects including heartburn, diarrhea, gas and abdominal pain — the very symptoms they’re meant to eliminate. Research has confirmed a treatment that works better with none of those side effects…

Joyce Hollman

The hidden sweetener tied to IBS, sepsis and insulin resistance

Artificial sweeteners have a sordid past. Each time a new one is introduced, usually years later we see the detrimental effects. The newest kid on the block is no different: IBS, sepsis and insulin resistance, and you may never know you’re ingesting it…

Carolyn Gretton

ACV: From ancient remedy to social media sensation

Social Media’s favorite new health fad, apple cider vinegar, is actually thousands of years old. But it’s experiencing a resurgence for its potential in treating some modern ailments that have grown in prevalence over the past several years…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Move over high blood pressure: There’s a new ‘silent killer’

Hypertension has long been the silent killer, damaging blood vessels without obvious symptoms until heart disease develops. However, experts are warning about a new silent killer, just as pervasive and sneaky, making up 60 percent of the average American adult’s diet…