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Heart Health

Latest Stories

Joyce Hollman

The viral heart risk that’s greatest for boomers

Liver problems are often serious. But some chronic liver conditions often go under the radar. That doesn’t mean they’re not doing damage, and not only to your liver. Even though they can affect anyone, if you’re a boomer like me, this is urgent for you…

Joyce Hollman

Hidden food allergies and the link to heart damage

What if you had a food allergy to a common allergen, like milk, peanuts or shellfish, but it was mild enough that you had none of the typical symptoms? New findings say continuing to eat an offending food could cause heart damage that could shorten your life…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The strawberry solution to heart disease and diabetes

Strawberries are the sweetest thing about summer, pun intended. What’s even sweeter is news that eating them isn’t just enjoyable: adding strawberries to your daily diet means better blood sugar and a significantly lower risk of heart disease…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The at-home test that determines heart attack risk in minutes

Someone has a heart attack every 40 seconds in the U.S. We know what the risks are. But how do your personal risks add up? You see your doctor once a year, but is that enough to avoid the number one killer of men and women in this country?

Joyce Hollman

The link between diabetes and silent heart attacks

The human body is complex. Conditions that may seem unrelated can have connections below the surface, like diabetes and the increased risk for heart problems. And as if it couldn’t get more complex, there’s the “silent heart” attack factor…

Carolyn Gretton

What drinking alcohol on a plane can do to your heart

Maybe you’re traveling for vacation. Maybe for business. Either way, you may not think twice about enjoying a cocktail to unwind, unless you know about the risk that drink carries for your heart that it doesn’t when you’re on the ground…


Joyce Hollman

7 amazing benefits of pterostilbene

If you try to stay on top of your heart, brain and blood sugar health, you’re aware of resveratrol, the polyphenol found in red wine and dark chocolate. But what about its powerful cousin? From blood pressure to calorie burn, you’ll want pterostilbene in your life…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The seed that takes down bad cholesterol and raises good

None of us want to have to add one more medication to a list that could already be longer that we’d like to admit. That’s why when a natural remedy, especially one with history, has the clout to improve cholesterol, well, that’s just too good to keep to myself…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

When alcohol sets women up for heart disease

Far too many women still believe dangerous myths when it comes to heart disease, like it being an issue that mainly impacts men. The truth is it’s the #1 killer of women in the U.S. And your personal risk can be far higher depending on your drinking habits…

Carolyn Gretton

The RA patients with the highest risk of heart trouble

It’s known that rheumatoid arthritis carries a higher risk for heart trouble. But researchers are finding it can vary, and hope personalized treatments that tackle the effects of oxidative stress, sky-high inflammation and out-of-control immune cells can take that threat down…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

Prostate problems: Too common to ignore

There isn’t enough confirmed evidence about the precise blend of influences, including genetic, environmental and dietary, that lead to prostate issues. This uncertainty means there’s no simple way to avoid these problems. But the connection between prostate and heart health is a place to start…

Joyce Hollman

The fast health benefits of taking the stairs

Not everyone has the knees to take the stairs. But if you’re able to, you should know it’s the answer to two types of exercise in one and can turn back several factors that add up to metabolic syndrome, heart attack and stroke in just a matter of weeks…